chapter 13 Leafpaw Hawkfrost Starclan

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Chapter 13 Leafpaw Hawkfrost Starclan

Starclan pov

The wind in Starclan was warm as the Great Clan gathered around the Pool.

It was a happy time as they had found the new home of the clans. Spottedleaf looked worried as she saw Yellowfang looking in the Pool of Visions.

"There are dark times ahead for the warriors. One cat seeks power it has no paw hold for." "I see blood in the clan's future. Before there is peace blood will spill blood and the lake will run red."

Spottedleaf saw the blood like wave sweep across the Vision-Pool. "you are wrong Yellowfang, there are two cats who want power and only one can get it," with a troubled sigh the pretty she cat left the pool and went into the shadows.

-----Leafpaw pov------

The clans where gathered at a small hill overlooking the lake that Spottedleaf had shown me, all the clans looked tired. There were four stumps on the hill. Firestar, Leopardstar and Mudclaw who stood in for Tallstar all stood on the Stumps.

"I hope that the clans can live here in peace," I prick my ears as I see my father speaking I want to hear him better without leaving the shade of the bush or Hawkfrost.

Hawkfrost pressed against me I laid my tail on his back and drank in his sweet, sweet scent. I hear Onewhisker and Mudclaw exchanging yowls then I hear my father silence them with a loud caterwaul. Blackstar looked smug as he sat on the stump watching the Windclan cats.

"If Windclan has a problem with its leadership it should figure it out later. We must have patrols to scan the land for homes for us," Blackstar's deep meow filled the clearing, stopping the bickering of the Windclan Warriors.

"I want to start the clans in their new home by naming a new warrior," I see Firestar raise his head and scan the crowd of cats.

"Squirrelpaw are you ready to be a warrior?" a hush fell on the clans, at his words. The only sound at that moment was a squeal of delight from my sister. Mousebrain! I purr with happiness as she stands before the leaders with Stormfur beside her. His grey furs making it seem like ash against her dark ginger fur.

"I say these words before Starclan and the rest of the clans. Squirrelpaw, do you promise to uphold the Code even at the cost of your life?"

"I do,"

"Then your new name shall be Squirrelflight,"



I realized then that Squirrelflight would be a very good warrior.

"Hawkfrost, darling, would you join Thunderclan for me?"

I feel him tense then a sigh and a rasp of his tongue on my ear then he leans down on the ground.

"I will, but not now, later, my love after I'm leader,"

"I will wait for you, forever, my Hawkfrost,"

With a contended sigh I leave him and go to Cinderpelt, but I turn to look back at Hawkfrost, alas he was gone to talk with his leader.

"Cinderpelt if the warriors are going to patrol the new land should not the medicine cats go as well?" I look into her dark blue eyes.

"Of course Leafpaw,"

I see her walk up to the leaders.

I want to be next to Hawkfrost but I can't risk being seen with him to many times. Or cats will talk.

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