chapter 14 Hawkfrost Brambleclaw Leafpaw

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Chapter 14 Hawkfrost, Brambleclaw Leafpaw

Brambleclaw pov

We traveled deep into the new land. Swallowtail and Tornear stood guard as Tawnypelt and Squirrelflight fished in a small river.

"I'm glad that we have founds homes for Windclan and Riverclan, Shadowclan. Now I hope that we can find one for Thunderclan. I see Stormfur with Squirrelflight and my blood roars in my veins. How dare that Tom take my mate! We may have been friends on the journey but that is behind us all he will be my rival from now on or until I find a another she-cat. Or I will be a lonely cat. But if Firestar chooses me as the next deputy I will be the happiest cat in the world. But no he has to stay firm in his believe that Graystripe is still alive. I sink my long claws into the ground. I want to be Deputy so bad it takes my breath away! What is wrong with wanting to be deputy? I ask myself as we patrol the tall grasses when Squirrelflight- that foxdung of a she-cat who broke my heart- dashed past me chasing a skinny old vole. She leapt then a scream of pain reached the ears of the patrol and Stormfur dashed past me along with Swallowtail. I rushed forward with care not knowing what to find but not caring about the ginger-she-cat.

But I suppose I should thank her for finding us a home. Even if I hate her guts.

With a careful paw steps I located the entrance to the Stone-Hollow that is what I call it. Once inside of the stone walls I see that Squirrelflight might have found us a home. My scratches sting from that battle with those kittypet's as I crawled through the thorn-tunnel. The sight shocked me, tall grass and weeds filled the place and ....what? I looked harder at the walls of stone they were carved and gouged out only Twolegs could have done this! That dumb cat found us a home with markings of two-legs. "I do not like it here, it's too much like something Twolegs built, sorry," I storm past her and leave.

"Wait! Brambleclaw! Don't go and don't be so mean!" Stormfur dashed in front of me in a clumsily skid. I turn my burning amber eyes on him and he freezes narrowing his own blue eyes. "Get out of my way, Stormfur, she-cat stealer!" with a hiss I lashed at him then leaped over his stunned body.

I want to rush out of the Hollow but then I slide to a stop as I realize that I was being mousebrained or a fool? I don't know which, but I look back at the gathered cats with my fur standing on end.

With a sigh I looked back at Squirrelflight and Stormfur; I meowed, "Your right Stormfur, Squirrelflight this will be a good place for us," they dipped their heads but whispered in each other's ears. Why do you whisper so much in my sight? I snort in disgust at them. I turn away from them to walk over to my sister.

Tawnypelt gave me cool look with narrowed green eyes.

"What?" I ask her with a frown.

"Get over yourself! Brother! She has found a mate, leave her alone, live your life!" with that she turned back to the scene of Squirrelflight and Stormfur. I've had just about enough of all these she-cats! With a faint hiss I storm away, but not far as I hear a cough and I turn to find Tornear gazing at me with sympathy in his eyes.

"I know how you fill bro, Nightcloud won't give me the time of day or night!" he purrs at his own joke. I join in not to be rude. But I wish I could find a mate. If not then Power will have to console me.

"Now that we have found homes for all of us I think we should head back," I meow with glance at the others. They nod and we set out back to the lake to tell the leaders.

As we make our way into the forest with a purpose to our paws. I wanted to find Firestar and ask him about Greystripe. That tom must know it's no use for him not to have a deputy.

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