Another Sydney Breakdown

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The next night was even worst. Stanton called again and said that she will be sending Zoe for the mission since my progress wasn’t good enough. I locked myself in our room and for the first time in my life, I lose control of my anger. I throw all the things that I can see that even Jill and Angeline’s things weren’t safe. I punched the bathroom mirror and it broke into pieces. With bloody hands, I slumped on the cold tiles and cried my heart out. Zoe is not ready to be trapped in the alchemist dogma! I thought.

“Sydney!” I heard a loud noise outside our room.

“Sydney!” The door is being banged now.

“SYDNEY! OPEN THE DOOR!! Eddie’s authorative voice ordered but I can also hear some worry in it. I didn’t mind them and continue to punch the broken mirror.

“Argh!” This time I was basically shouting how I hate the alchemist and how I hate myself for being vulnerable from pain. I heard the main door burst open and then followed by the banging of the bathroom’s door. Seconds later, it busted open. I didn’t recognize the people’s faces that are full of concern seeing that there was already a small pool of blood on the floor. I shot them my I-Don’t-Need-You look.

“Sydney!” Jill tried to prevent me from turning for the wall but she wasn’t strong enough to stop me. Eddie grabbed my wrist, I tried to struggle but clearly he was a lot stronger than me. Frustrated I just sobbed; he hugged me and tried to hush me.

“Calm down, Sydney” he soothes. I let myself gave in to his softness and let him take care of me just like old times.

“She’s hurt” Jill informed. Eddie carried me on the bed while Jill took the first-aid kit and some bandages. I realized that Micah, Trey, Angeline and Julia were there. Maybe they pity me and thought that I broke up with my humoured boyfriend or something.

“It’s going to be okay Sydney” Trey said but I didn’t want him or any others as well. I just wanted to be alone.

“Leave me alone” I said harshly.

“Sydney” he called.

“I said, LEAVE ME ALONE!!!” I barked. They were all huddled outside my Jill and Eddie was left to stay with me. He treats my wounds and put bandage around my hands. I winced as he put ointment in my hands but he was fast to blow some air to keep the sting away.

“What happened?” He asked but I don’t feel like talking. Sensing my thoughts he remained silent and tucks me in bed. He curled up beside me and strokes my hair as if comforting a baby. I turned to the other side of the bed and closed my eyes pretending to be fallen asleep. I heard Eddie moved towards the other side of the bed probably to check if I was alright. I felt him wiped my wet face from the mixture of sweat and tears. He sighed. A moment later, I heard Jill and Angeline came in.

“Is she okay?” they asked, concerned written all over their voice.

“SShhh...” Eddie hushed.

“What happened to her?” Jill asked in a quiet voice, avoiding to disturb me from my “Sleep”

“She’s not talking. But I’m guessing it’s either about Adrian or her sister Zoe” he concluded. Wow, Eddie really knew me most.

“Do you think we should tell Adrian?” she asked uncertainly.

“I don’t think so. Let’s wait for Sydney to explain things” Eddie said. “It’s already curfew, but I’ll explain to your dorm matron. I’ll go now”

“Okay, thanks. I already explained to Julia and Trey to keep things silent. Take a rest now.” There was a glint of softness in her voice. I slept with the tears heavily flowing from my eyes. I need to break-up with Adrian was my final thought.

Adrian Ivashkov and Sydney Sage Forever (Vampire Academy and Bloodline Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now