Episode 4

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  I sat there for what seems like forever(head in hands) trying to figure out what it is that could have led to all this. I was lost in my thought. I didn't even notice my wife emerging from our bedroom with a traveling bag, our newborn baby on her back and Isabella our first child on her other hand. She was heading for the door. My mum quickly jumped on her feet, 'my daughter where are you going?' 'Mama I cannot live under the same roof with this incestous man....I can't!' I ran to her as soon as I heard her voice. 'Baby please don't leave me, I swear to you I have had nothing of that nature with your sister, I swear by everything I've ever worked for in my entire life'. She was having non of it, her mind was made up, it's either I leave or she leaves. Even after all the persuasions from my mum.  I couldn't let her pack out of the house. If not for any reason at least for the sake of Isabella my first child.
    Isabella was just recuperating from an illness that almost took her life. Thanks to an anonymous blood donor that saved her. How my blood and her mother's didn't march hers beats my. It was just a miracle that someone who pleaded to be kept anonymous came up at that time. As much as I was thankful then I didn't really care about the person's identity. At least now my girl is fine and back on her feet. It was for this reason I didn't want my wife to move out.
    I picked up a few cloth and a few other things I might need for the day and the next day which is Sunday. As I was about leaving, my mum flagged me to wait for her. It was as if she has had her stuffs arranged in preparation for a day like this. Everything she has in the house were all by her at the door post. 'Drop me at the park, I'm heading home' 'mama are you too leaving me?' Let me just say that if there is an award for 'the most frustrated man' on that day I doubt there will be a more worthy winner that me. Nothing seems to be going my way at all. 'I'm not leaving you o Ben, just that I can't stay in the middle of this chaos. As soon as you figure out all this, you know where to find me but for now, biko drop me at the park'. I didn't have a single strength in me to argue with her. I simply gathered all her things in the boot and dropped her at Ibadan Park.
    I checked into an hotel not very far from my house(about 15minutes drive away). As I was about resting on the bed, Jide's call came in: 'Son of a bitch! So trying to take my position at the office is not enough for you ehn? You still have to sleep with my fiancée to the point of getting her pregnant!!! I've never liked you from day one........but for this one you did, you will pay dearly for it' then he hung up. That day couldn't have been any worse.
    Fast forward to Monday. After it became dawn on me that there is no prank anywhere, everything is for real. I booked a trip to Paris to clear my head. Yeah, I love Paris. My wife and I had our honey moon there. It was her idea though. She calls it the safest place on earth. Since then my appreciation for the place had grown. Infact whenever we wanted to have a baby we go there and before you know it, our baby is here.
    It was around past 10 in the morning and I was heading to the airport when a call came in. I didn't want to pick, I didn't even want to check out who the caller was but something in me just told me check it. It was my father in law! What does he want to tell me this time. Maybe a piece of his mind that he didn't have the chance to fully express. I gathered all the strength I had to pick his call and his voice came in from the other end ' hello Ben, where are you? You are late for work already.............'

THE ENEMY WITHINजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें