8~Life is Complicated

Start from the beginning

All of their faces looked like they couldn't believe what I said. Did I say something wrong?

Next thing you know I'm in their living room.
"I'm Caroline. And this is Damon and Stefan" she says pointing at them

"Oh I know who Stefan and you are Caroline. I go to Mystic Falls high school and have seen you two in the photo case. I also know that Stefan and Damon are vampires, I'm going to assume your one too Caroline judging by that day light ring" I say to them. They all look at each other confused, Caroline at her ring. "Well aren't you full of facts and knowledge" Damon says to me. "And for the record, I'm actually a retired vampire" Stefan says "I'm human"

"What? How?" I asked him confused. "Well I was forced the cure" he explained

"There's a cure for vampirism? Wait better question why were you forced?"

"long story shot he pissed off the wrong person" Caroline explains

"People could we stay on topic of how this girl found out about vampires and how she is related to Katherine" Damon interrupts


"I'm not related to Katherine. My mom was just looking for her"

"You don't know?" Stefan's asks

"Know what?"

"Katherine is Nadia mom"

It all starts making sense

"Nadia went looking for her after she was taken away from Katherine"

"Oh" is all I can say

"But tell us what you know" Caroline says

"Well I saw Elena Gilberts picture in the trophy case at school and got this feeling that I knew her so I did a lot of research to find what I was looking for. Turns out Nadia had me and a man named Klaus Mikealson was looking for me so I was put into a spell that stopped me for aging as an infant. The spell soon broke and my father turned me into a vampire. Klaus has been following me and my father ever since" I explained to them

"Of course Klaus" Caroline says. "You guys know him?" I ask

"He tortured us for about 3 years" Damon told me. "Do you happen to know why he wants me?" I asked

"I don't know, maybe because he followed Katherine her whole life and wanted you and Nadia" Caroline said. "Ok we'll do you guys happen to know where Katherine or Nadia are right now?" I ask them

They look at each other and put there heads down


"They both died a couple years ago" Stefan said


I felt crushed

I don't know why, I didn't even know them I guess that feeling was me loosing hope

"Nadia died of a werewolf bite and Katherine took the cure but then had the cure sucked out of her and she started to age" Caroline explained to me

"And then she took over Elena's body and we had to kill her to get Elena back" Damon says. "Well where is Elena?" I ask

They both look at Damon and he starts to look sad. Touchy subject?

"She in a deep slumber until one of our best friends dies" Caroline tells me

"Well then could you guys tell me why her and Katherine look so much alike" I ask them. "She's her doppelgänger" Stefan tells me. "Oh she's the doppelgänger" I say.

They tell me more things about Katherine and how she practically ruined Damon and Stefan's lives. They even told me about the history of Mystic Falls and all of the supernatural things about it

"Well it was nice meeting you guys but um it's getting late so I uh better go" I say and getting up out of the chair to leave and walking out of the house

I get home and flopped on my bed. I can't believe what they told me. There's so much more about my history then I expected there to be

The next day at school I tell the entire story to Brie


"I know right. Who knew my grandmother was such a bitch" I say and Brie laughs

"So let's get away from family drama, where is Grayson taking you on you guys first date" she says and smiles

"Mystic Grill for dinner and a walk around town" I say back to her. "Sounds romantic" she says, I laugh and the bell rings

School is over

I get ready for my date with Grayson

He pulls up to my house and I get into his car to go to the Mystic Grill

We sit at a table and start to chat

"So tell me more about yourself. I wanna know everything there is about Grayson Dolan"

"Well my family is actually one of the founding families. The Lockwood family. It's on my mothers said so Ethan, my sister Cameron and I didn't have the Lockwood name"

"You never told me you had a sister" "Yeah well she's at college she doesn't spend much time here so me and the rest of the family rarely see her"

"Now enough about me, what about you. What's your story?" He asked me. I laughed "Story?" "Everyone has a story" he said back

"Well at a young age my mother walked out on me and my father. The details are kind of blurry how and sort of why she left but she said she was looking for her mother who she had been taking away from at birth. Every since then we have been moving far from Bulgaria,  I guess to get away from the thing that crushed us" I said to him. "Well that's a hell of story"

I laughed. I figured maybe I should leave out the facts that both of them were vampires and died in this town, didn't want to seem like to much of a buzz kill

After wards he took me home. And I'll be honest we kissed. And that kiss was the closet thing of feeling alive that I have felt in my entire life

I felt like he made me feel alive

He completed me

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