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Ethan's POV
Emily has been in the coma for a week now. A whole week of people that we call friends coming in the hospital to see her and say how sorry they were for what happened. A whole week without her laugh. A whole week without her telling me that I'm wrong. A whole week without her bomb ass comebacks at life. Life. What is life without my Emily? I remember not wanting to marry her. I remember writing a letter to my parents, trying to convince them that marrying me at 16 wasn't a good idea, that I didn't know her, that I wasn't ready. I remember writing them a letter afterward, thanking them for marrying me to Emily, saying that I wasn't ready but I would do anything for her and I would always be there for her. I remember telling her that I would've preferred if she didn't have shit brown eyes but the truth is: she has the most mesmerizing eyes I've ever seen. They're so brown they're almost black. They make her look so mysterious ... like if no emotions could get to her. I always have to guess Emily and I love that.

I got snapped out of my thoughts by Emily's dad messing with my hair. He, my mom and my dad had flew in shortly after they saw the video we uploaded on Emily's channel.

"I'm very sorry for your daughter Mister Franta. I was supposed to take care of her and make sure she was happy. All I did was send her to the hospital. Everything's my fault." I looked up at him. I never left the small chair next to Em's bed, except when I had to go back home for the night.

"So you're gonna tell me that my divorce with Emily's mom is your fault too? Not everything's your fault. What happened to Emily isn't entirely because of you. She got herself in that situation. Stop stressing about it son. Ok?" he reassured me.

"I'm sorry to learn that it isn't working anymore between Emily's mom and you."

"Nah nah nah don't say that. Marie's a crazy bitch. I don't even understand how I dealed with her for twenty-five years." Mr. Franta chuckled "Your family and I are going to get lunch. You want anything?"

"No thank you ... I'm good" I smiled, looking at his daughter.

"Ok then ... I'll se you later Ethan" he walked out of the room. I heard my brother's laugh boom further in the corridor.

I sat in the bed next to Emily and started drawing different patterns on her stomach. I was laying on my left side, supporting my head with my hand. I've been singing them (Emily and my babies) a lullaby for the past week. The same my mother used to sing Grayson and I.

"You're my honeybunch, sugar plum, pumpy-umpy-umpkin. You're my sweetie pie. You're my cuppycake, gumdrop, snoogums, boogums, you're
the apple of my eye. And I love you so and I want you to know that I'll always be right here and I love to sing sweet songs to you because you are-" I started to sing in a murmur.

"so dear" a weak voice completed.

"What?!" I jumped a little.

"You. Are. So. Dear" the voice repeated. I felt Emily's body snuggle in my chest.

"Oh my god. Emily?!" I lifted myself a bit to have a better look at her.

"Hi baby" she giggled.

"Emily" I cried, squeezing her in my arms.

"I can't breathe. Ethan" she choked out.

"Sorry" I laughed awkwardly.

"Ethan, I- I heard everything you know? The lullabies, the jokes, the book, can you read me more by the way? I really liked it ... your voice is so ... so relaxing! Anyways! the book, your conversations with Gray, with my dad earlier, what you told Aaron and Jack when they came to check on me ... everything. I love you so much Grant" she wrapped her arms around my neck, pulling me closer to her.

"I love you too O'hara." I laughed, pressing my forehead on hers.

"Emily" we heard something fall on the ground.

I quickly got off of the bed to see Mr. Franta standing in the doorway, his food scattered on the floor around him.

"Dad" Emily smiled.

"Baby you're awake! I was so worried for you and your kid" he ran toward her and pulled his daugher in his arm.

"Kids, dad ... my kids" she whispered in his ear.

"No way ..." he pulled away "are you serious?" he looked at me with watery eyes. I nodded as a smile stretched my cheeks.

"Hey Eth how's sheeeee- EMILY!" Grayson yelled, stepping in the room.

"Shhhhhhhht! Grayson we're in an hospital, keep it down" Emily laughed.

"Sorry. I'm just happy to see you again" Grayson scratched the back of his neck.

"I'm happy too! Come here boo" Emily opened her arms for my brother. (why do I have so many dirty jokes in mind 😂 why am I like this)

"I was so worried for you. Everybody came: Nate, Alex, Karina, Jordan, the Jacks, Andrea, Ricky, Trevor, Dail, Aaron, Cameron, Ki-"

"Ok. I think I got it" she laughed, cutting him off.

"Oh my god what happened here?" my mom asked looking at the mess in the doorway. We walked over it with my dad then looked at us "Oh hi Emily! I didn't know you were- EMILY?" my mom suddenly realized my wife's presence.

"Hi Lisa, hi Sean" Emily waved.

"Sean, keep me on my feet will you? I think I'm gonna faint" my mom blankly said.

"Mom!?" Grayson and I yelled in sync.

"Take the chair" I offered.

"Thanks baby" she smiled, taking my place "Oh Emily, my dear, we were so worried for you. We thought we would never see our grandchild."

"Grandchildrens Lisa ... I'm expecting twins" Emily squeezed my mother's hand in hers.

"Are you serious? Can I hug you?" we could see that my mom was on the verge of crying.

"Of course!"

I'm so fucking happy that Emily loves my family and that my family loves her. I'm so happy with my life.

Hey mighty fine squad! This is my last update until next weekend. I decided that I'm gonna update once maybe twice every weekend until I get my shits together 😝 I love you guys so much and I hope you can understand. Also, I've been in the train to go back home for 10h when it was supposed to be a 7h ride HAHA fuck me. Ok Sia J


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