//and this is how it starts//

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For the first time in a long time, I had no idea what to do. My ideas were never the greatest - understatement of a damn lifetime - but I always knew what my next move would be, with drugs, with money schemes, with my plan to up and leave the country. However, I couldn't possibly come up with any sort of plan with these feelings that had blossomed towards Matty.

I couldn't forsee anything in the realm of possibly as far as what might happen between us. The past week had gone so well, atleast concerning our friendship. As far as the state he had worked himself into, he had been getting better. He went back to his apartment the following morning and told George everything, and from what I gathered, things went surprisingly well.

The days that filled in the space between then and now had been rather uneventful. Matty hadn't heard again from Gemma, which could either be good or bad, I convinced George to sit for a painting, but otherwise nothing significant really happened.

I was now at Grimmy's, making drinks and listening to people whine about their problems. It was a moderately busy Friday night, house music and technicolor lights filled the area as people danced away their weekday problems, promising to forget them until Monday morning came again.

Everyone sitting at the bar was taken care of, so I lit a cigarette and leaned against the bar. It's hard to believe how quickly I caught onto this whole bartending thing. It was decent money, too. I can't believe I had never though about doing this before.

The music is so loud, I can feel it vibrating through my chest as I stare aimlessly out into the crowd of dancing bodies. I soon see a familiar tall friend of mine nearing the bar, his shorter flatmate coming into view as well once they got closer.

"Hey!" I shout over the music, snubbing my cigarette out into one of the ashtrays that liter the bar top.

"Hey, 102 " Matty replies, sitting on a stool at my counter. "How's the club life treating you on this lovely evening?"

"Any sleezy old drunks we need to ruff up for you?" George laughed as he took a seat on the stool next to Matty.

"So good so far." I reach over and grab two glasses, filling one with red wine for Matty and the other with draft beer for George, then sit them down infront of them.

"Oh you know me too well, love." Matty took a long sip of his wine.

Harry walked up to the bar, placing his tray on the counter. "Well shit, I guess they just let anyone in here these days!" He laughed, before turning to me and rattling off drinks he needed.

I make the drinks requested of me and place them on Harrys serving tray, as they talk about plans of a party at Grimmy's house after hours tonight.

"You coming Nova?" George asks once Harrys hurried off with his drinks.

"Uh..." I pause to think, it wasn't like I had anything big or important planned for when I got off work, and I hadn't been to a party in.... shit, a long time. "Sure! Though I don't know where Grimmy lives."

"We'll go with you!" Matty replied, sipping the rest of his wine down in one gulp. I grab the bottle of red and pour him another glass.

"You're off in an hour, aren't you?" George said, pushing his glass forward, signalling me to fill his as well.

"I sure am."

The rest of my shift went quickly, as I kept busy with washing glasses and cashing out checks. I grabbed my jacket, slung my bag over my shoulder, and told Harry that I was leaving. He would be done shortly enough, and I'd see him again at Grimmy's house.

The night air was cool, but bearable, as me and my neighbors stepped outside.

"It's only a few blocks down the road, we can walk there." George said, leading the way.

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