The music started playing so I went back to sit with Liam and Niall again.

We all stood up and my mother came around the corner with my grandpa. 

John stood on the edge, waiting for here. Two little girls who I haven't seen before came after throwing white and blue flowers. They looked so cute.

Niall took my hand after my mother had past us. I smiled at him and kissed him fast.

"Liam are you crying" Niall asked quiet.

"No" Liam sobbed.. "Okay fine weddings is just so beautiful" he said and Niall punched him on his shoulder while laughing. 

The priest told us to sit down and started talking. For a secound I thought I would fall a sleep. I'm sure Niall did. At least they both said yes, over every exceptional. 

The dinner wasn't long after the ceremony. I had to force the waitresses to make a seat for Niall too. We sat at the same table as my brother and someone from Pauls family around our age. 

"God your family hates me" Niall said and sat down.

"Not me" John said and laughed.

"Well you're the only one" Niall said and squeezed his mouth again. 

"Your family loves me" Liam said. Almost every God damned family member have said hello to Liam and told him what a nice young man he was. 

"More than they love me" I said and John laughed. 

A few people held speeches, mostly to Paul. He had a lot of friends and family. 

"Can't wait to get drunk" John said.

"but SAME" Niall yelled. 

"You can't get drunk in a wedding" Liam said. 

"Liam. This is America. You can get drunk whenever you wan't without feeling no shame. Everybody does it. It's like an american tradionial." my brother said and took his arm around Liams  shoulder.

The rest of the dinner was Niall and John drinking, laughing and making terrible jokes. Me and Liam just sat there and was mostly embarresed to even know this people.

"Can we talk" it was my now stepdad, John.

"Sure" I said and stood up from the chair.

"Don't leave me with these idiots" Liam said quiet. 

"She will be back soon" Paul laughed. 

We sat down at a beautiful bench. I told him the basic things. That his wedding was beautiful, and that he was a nice man and all that shit. 

"Your mother is really trying" he said.

I had had no idea what to answer him. Not because it hit me or something, but because my mother is a big piece of shit and he probably don't even know a shit. Specialy not my side of the story,

"Fuck her" I said. 

He laughed a bit. I was sure he would come with some dirty jokes, because that's the kind of man he is, but he didn't.

"Well I'm glad you're here" he said and we hugged. 

My stepdad is a really nice man and I have no fucking clue why he married my mother.

I went back to the table again. It was already starting to get dark. I could already see a bunch of drunk ass people, includning my mother. 

Niall and John looked like they were about to pas out.

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