( i. ) of friends & dares.

Start from the beginning

Elliot, however, was a different story. It was a wonder how the two had even ended up as friends, but opposites attract, as people say. Elliot Grim wasn't exactly quiet, she gave her opinion, she voiced her thoughts, and for most of the time, didn't exactly think about what she was saying. Her father always had told her that she had a big mouth that would get her into trouble one day; and it did, many of times. That didn't mean she wasn't shy, she hated big places, crowds, new people, stuff like that. She had always preferred staying inside than venturing off, a cup of tea over alcohol, a book over talking to people. She kept herself to herself, and she was fine with that. But having a friend like Laura Andrews, it was always rather hard to be the way she was, especially when people excepted more of her, or to be precise, like Laura.

Nevertheless, the two had survived school side by side, and they were sure they would survive more times together. Despite differences, they wouldn't have each other any other way.

"Alright," Elliot looked up to see Laura grinning, beginning to put back on her coat. Glancing outside, Elliot saw that most of the rain had cleared up, and it was only a slight drizzle and wet floors that were left. "Are you ready to go? I promised that I would meet Will at the park with Oscar."

At the mention of the last name, Elliot perked up, her friend watching in amusement. Stuffing the last of her cookie in her mouth, Elliot nodded, throwing on her coat as Laura shouldered her bag, typing out a message she had to guess was to be sent to Will. Throwing her hood over her head, Elliot smiled.

"I'm ready."


Half an hour later, and Elliot was crouched to the ground, a joyous laugh leaving her lips as Oscar jumped up to her, front paws on her knees that were covered by a pair of jeans, his little face to her height as she scratched behind his ears and fussed over him, Laura and her boyfriend of two years sat nearby on a bench, watching the exchange with amusement.

"I swear, she loves that dog more than we do," Will mused. He was a nice lad, of average height and dark skin, a smile that was so contagious everyone loved it. Elliot and him had bonded over their love for literature, Will being a college student majoring in the subject, with hopes of becoming a writer one day. Elliot had liked him as soon as she met him, he was just so happy and upbeat all the time, how could you not?

Plus, he was the one who rescued Oscar the boxer just a month before. And he knew of her longtime love for animals, so he earned extra points for that also.

"Damn right I do," Elliot called over, pressing kisses all over the excited dogs face. "Oh, you're so precious. Yes you are, yes you are! I could just run off and elope to Canada with you, yes I could."

Missing the faces that were pulled by the couple nearby, Elliot continued to fuss over the dog, smiling when he had snuck in a few licks to her face and hands. She loved the dog so much, even more so because he wasn't loved before, missing a back leg had put the poor dog through hell, but Oscar just had such a happy personality, despite everything he had been through. In a weird way, Elliot admired the pup, his bravery and ways to keep on going despite his problems making her rather proud of him. And it was true if Will and Laura were ever to get rid of him, Elliot would be right there to scoop him up and take him home, or as she said, to Canada, apparently.

As she played with the dog though, she seemed to miss the look that was exchanged with Will and Laura, and the camera's that were discreetly filming her, and not to mention the complete stranger that was approaching her with reddening cheeks and shaking hands that were stuffed inside his pockets.

It was only when a shadow had blocked her view and Oscar had jumped down to bark excitedly at the stranger, that she realised that anyone was even there. She flushed, brushing off her jeans and standing slowly, cringing at the cracks her legs gave as she stood.

And then, slowly, her head lifted. She was met by a pair of brown eyes, and almost gasped out-loud at the lack of space between them. Standing back slightly, she smiled at the stranger. His darker skin and thick eyebrows stood out, his nervous smile and shifting body that was only a few inches higher than her own. His dark hair that he had ran a shaking hand through, messing it up slightly and letting a few strands fall upon his forehead that was creased in concentration.

Elliot couldn't help it; her only thoughts in that moment were how attractive she found this stranger, this man who she had no idea as to why he was there, stood before her and smiling at her in a way that had her heart beating widely in her chest.

And next he had spoke, his voice meeting her ears and making her eyes blink. Even his voice was attractive, she thought, and she was so caught up in admiring the way he spoke and how he looked that she had almost missed the words that he had said.

"I know this is awkward and out of nowhere, and I'm just a strange man asking a really weird question, but would it be okay if I kiss you?"

Elliot Grim blinked. Then she swallowed. And blinked again. Had she heard right, was he really asking what she thought he was asking? It was ridiculous, he was a stranger, a person she had never met before, nor seen, who was just attractive to her eyes and maybe she fancied a little bit. He could have a disease or anything, she thought. He could be a killer, or a man who was just trying to grope a feel in the middle of a public park. She couldn't kiss him! She couldn't. . . so why where the next words out of her mouth completely different to her thoughts?

"You can kiss me."


authors note. this is so much
fun to write guys im yodelling!!
what do you think so far, and
sorry for the lil cliffhanger there
lmao. lemme know what you
think (-:

— maddie aka lukesyoutube

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