Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

Chloe's P.O.V

"So he just kissed you?" Ashton questioned. It was after school, and I was with Ashton at his apartment. I nodded my head, explaining everything that happened. "Well do you like him like that?" 

"I always have." I groaned. It's true, Luke was very attractive, and so kind harted, which made me upset when he turned on me instantly. But that kiss, was just so wow.  I touched my lips, remembering the kiss which lasted as long as we could breathe.

"Did you talk to him after it?" Ashton said, giving me a bag of doritios. 

"No, it was kind of like, a make out and leave situation." I shrugged. This may sound a bit weird, but Ashton was the one I could most likely talk to about boys. I grabbed Ashton's lapyop, logging onto my skype. I almost exploded inside when I saw Caitlyn was online. I imediatly called her, waiting impatiently. Ashton sat down next to me, on the floor as Caitlyn's face popped up on the screen.

"Caitlyn!" I smiled."Chloe!" She yawned.

"Time differences!" I laughed.

"I know, but how's everything?" She asked, Ashton looking at me.

"Okay, so it all started with a boy named Luke.."


"Wow, looks like you had a unforgettable summer there!" Caitlyn said, as soon as I was done explaining everything. I nodded my head. "Well I got to go to bed because it's like, 5am here." She laughed.

"Okay, bye." I smiled.

"Can I just stay here?" I yawned, even though it was near 6 at night,

"Yeah, Calum and Michael are staying over too." I nodded, not caring. It's always been like this. I quickly texted my dad, telling him I was staying with Ash, which he was fine with.


um okay it took me a while to update and it was short and it sucks.

But yay Caitlyn

Okay I'll try to make the next chapter better.



I've Got this Friend.... [Luke Hemmings]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora