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Gandalf type here your last name has joined Facebook

Legolas Greenleaf has joined Facebook

Merry Brandybuck has joined Facebook

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Lord Elrond has joined Facebook

Aragorn, son of Arathorn, heir of Isildur has joined Facebook

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Boromir of Gondor has joined Facebook

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Frodo Baggins: WAIT!! WHAAT???!!!! Weren't you dead?!

Sam, Gandalf, Aragorn, Legolas, Merry, Pippin, Gimli, Boromir and 70,000,000,000 like this comment

Sauron the Dark Lord has changed his name in Sauron the Dark Lord #I'M BACK!! FEAR ME!!


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Heey you all! What do you think? I know, this chapter isn't really long or special, but give me ideas if you have some!! The next chapters are coming!!



PS: don't forget to vote, comment & follow!! ;) I would really appreciate that!!

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