Dead Valentines - Joker's Daughter

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" H-how Do you know I would shut down" I said, more as a statement than a question.

" cuz I know you, just as well as your dad does... babydoll I get if you do shut down for a while but please promise me not for long, okay?" He asked me.

"I-I pr-promise " I said my voice shaky. " I love you, always remember that, okay"

" I will, I promise." he says then we kiss. When we pull away he smiles then I See the Light leave his eyes.

That's when I hear the man laugh again. " I'll Always Love You, blah blah blah blah." he said mockingly I put my knife out of my boot and then throw it at him hitting his heart directly.

I look back down at beck And I start to sob loudly, really glad now that the parks in the middle of nowhere, so no one can hear me. I pulled his body closer and I dropped my head on his chest sobbing.


Joker's p.o.v.

Me and Harl's we're just getting back from dinner and a heist. We went to our room I changed out of my black and white suit, and Harley got out of her new dress I got her for today. It was around almost 4 a.m. I decided before I went to bed to go check up on my princess. As I'm walking to her room I noticed the door open a crack, when she's asleep she always has it shut, in fact whenever she's in there she has the door shut.

I pushed the door open I look around and she's not there. Her curfew is 3 a.m. beck her boyfriend as much as I hate the idea of her having someone other than me and Harley loving her (and Frost caring). Beck always has her home on time.

"HARLEY!" I yelled she came into the room and looked around then turn to me and looked confused. " Track her on the laptop through her phone, text me the location. FROST" He entered. " Pull the car around, we're going searching for my little girl".


We were near the outside of Gotham when I finally got the text from Harley said she was in a park a little bit outside of Gotham. Once we knew where to go Frost speed Up.

As we pulled up I jumped out of the car. We walked into the park after a while I saw 1 figure lying down And a little further there were two figures 1 hunched over the other. When we got closer I noticed a business partner one I was going to have killed, he had my daughters dagger in his chest. I turned to the other two figures and that's when I noticed that the one hunched over was my daughter and she was hunched over Beck. Oh God, this is going to hit her hard.

" Frost, have 2 goons take the Traders body and dump it off where his men will see it. Then come over there" I told him well motioning with my head over to by my daughter.

I walked over to her and I kneel down behind her. " Sweetheart, princess... what happened?" I asked her while putting a hand on her shoulder.

She lifted her head and looks up at me in that moment I swear my heart cracked. The broken look in her eyes with tears stains all down her face, mixed with blood.

"I-I-I tryed, I-I-I t-tr-tryed to stop the bleeding b-but, I couldn't." she kept looking back and forth between me, Frost, and Beck. While new tears came streaming down her face.

I move my hand up and down her back trying to comfort her.

"H-he saved me. He s-saved my l-life. And I c-couldn't save his." she said in between sobs.

" shhhh... " I pulled her into my chest rocking her trying to calm her down the best I could. " shhhh... It will be okay. Let's go home and get you cleaned up." I started to pick her up but she wiggled away clinging to the boys body.

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