Chapter 1

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Tigerspark's POV:

As I was crossed the Oakclan border and into my own territory I heard a yowl, a yowl that sounded familiar. I raced back through the tree's, the golden kit still in my jaws. I raced back to the clearing but stopped in the bushes when I saw Ravenwing biting Clearlight's throat and cutting open her stomach. I gently placed down the kit and stared in dismay. I watched Clearlight for a second. I could feel my fur bristle with fury. I felt my eyes light up with rage "Ravenwing shall be the first to die" I said Picking up the kit whispering my last goodbye and racing back to my territory. I didn't follow Ravenwing, I wasn't gonna risk the kits life, he was the only thing I had left of Clearlight. As I was running back to camp, another patrol ran by, probably to help the other clans fight. wait then who is guarding queens and elders? I noticed the four cats in the patrol as Hawktalon, Redfeather, Shadepaw (Hawktalon's apprentice), and Leaftail. I snuck passed them and headed to camp. There was no one in the clearing and I immediately got worried and raced to the nursery first. Skyfeather was the only queen right now, so no need to worry about others finding out about me sneaking a kit in. "Skyfeather?" I struggled to say because of the kit in my jaws. "Hiding over here Tigerspark" She said "What is that in your jaws?" She asked. "A kit I found outside of the territory's" I answered "What were you doing out there?" She asked. Her voice reminded me about Clearlight, and rage filled me again. "Seeing if an attack was coming from the side of the territory!" I said loudly "I was hoping you could care for it with Oakkit and Echokit" I said calming down. "Sure. Do you have a name for it?" She asked still in shock from me shouting. "Yes, Sunkit" i answered. The reason I picked Sun was because me and Clearlight would always talk about how beautiful and powerful the sun was. We would always talk about it in our meet up's. "Okay, Sunkit, Oakkit, and Echokit. Beautiful names." Skyfeather said staring at all three kits lovingly. She licked my cheek and smiled at me "I love you but you are one of the strongest warriors and should go fight" She whispered into my ear "Okay, bye" I said and raced out to avoid eye contact. When I raced out, most of the clan was returning. "Tigerspark!" My younger brother, Blackpaw shouted running over to me. "Yes, Nightpaw?" I asked with annoyance in my voice "Where were you in the fight? We were helping Pineclan fight Darkclan you know" He said with a by the way voice. "I was seeing if Pineclan was being attacked at the camp and if their queens and elders were okay" I answered swiping his ear with my paw "Now get out of here before I hurt you" I said glaring at him "You're no fun anymore! I liked it better when you were an apprentice" He shouted and ran off probably to find Shadepaw "That was rude" My mother who is now an elder, Palelight said. "Well he needs to grow up and learn he is not the only cat that matters." I growled walking away. I looked for my best friend, Snowheart who happened to be deputy. My eyes landed on a pure white she cat "Snowheart!" I called. She turned to my direction "Tigerspark!" Her voice full of relief "Thank Starclan you're okay!" She said running up to me, her yellow eyes beaming "Are you okay!" I said looking at the three deep wounds on her shoulder, probably going to make scars. "I'm fine, probably should visit Berryleaf though, but what about you! You don't even have a scratch on you!" She said staring at me in astonishment "I'm a good fighter" I said, lying of course because I barely fought at all "But I have a question for you" I said looking into her yellow eyes "What is it?" She asked taking a step closer "May you please convince Lionstar that I can mentor Sunkit when he becomes an apprentice" I said staring at her with hope "Who is Sunkit?" She asked confused "My son" I answered "I thought Skyfeather only had two kits, Oakkit and Echokit" She said still confused "Nope, it was three" I said "I would know, I was there when she birthed" I said annoyed now "Okay I'll convince Lionstar, by the way he lost a life, down to two now" She whispered the last part "Only two?" I said astonished "Yes, I might live long enough to be leader" She laughed and turned to leave "See ya!" I said as she bounded off to talk with Lionstar

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