Chapter 1

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I was on my way to pick up a dress when I met him. I had a pep in my step, and I was feeling good for no reason at all. I guess you could say I woke up on the right side of the bed that day. So anyways, I initially started off driving, but I enjoyed the fresh, warm air so much, I decided to walk the rest of the way so I parked at a local mall and continued on my way. The thought of breaking a heel was at the back of my mind because of A: how crowded it was, and B: the rough ground. I could potentially lose the top piece of my heel (some people call it the tip, but I like the technical terms) and I was not about that life....but what the hey, I was having a good day and enough money on my card to buy another pair. So rocking the sidewalk was what I did. I was experiencing those moments people have when it's like their life was a movie with background music playing, but I had to remain calm because I wasn't in a movie.

"Calm, collective, and conservative..." I repeated in my head. If I wanted to be professional; I had to act mature. So anyways, there I was, rocking the sidewalk, feeling good, when a man brushed me as he walked by. It actually kind of hurt and I stumbled a bit.

"Hey!" I said, turning around to see who it was.

"I'm sorry..." his voice was muffled from the amount of humans in his way, "I'm so sorry."

I only got a slight glimpse of him, but it was good enough, because I remember faces. I plotted to give him a piece of my mind if I every saw him again. He quickly disappeared into the crowd and I didn't see him after that, so I kept walking. I wasn't as happy as I was when I first started and my groovy peppy step was gone. I kept to myself a lot more and just stayed focus on my destination, which I reached later.

The door jingled as I entered the shop and immediately heard Bella shout, "she's here!!". After that, I saw my seamstress, Ellanore come out from behind one of the changing curtains.

"Well, if it isn't my favorite customer. How are you Bree?"

She kissed both my cheeks and I did the same.

"Swell, and how are you?"

"Swell," she sang.

"Oou, I can tell."

We laughed.

"So where is it?" I said, scanning the shop for my dress. I saw it and gasped. "Is that it?" I whispered, pointing to the masterpiece across the room as it hung on a hanger on the wall.

"I shouldn't have sent you a picture." Ellanore screwed her face at me, making me squeal.

"Come on." She said, and led me over to it.

She got the height stick and brought it down.

"You wouldn't believe how many customers wanted this dress. I had to push it higher and higher up the wall so they wouldn't get to it."

She unhooked it from the stick and gave it to me.

"Here you goo."

"Eeeeekk!! Thank you soo much Ellanore, it's beautiful!"

"Well, why are you still here? Try it on!"

And off I ran, to the change room. Small steps of course.

When I came out and looked in the mirror, I saw someone that looked......stunning!

"Woooooow," Ellanore said, walking over to me, leaving one of the customers alone.

"Oh, my gosh, you're gorgeous, Breanne!" Bella said.

"Thank you.." I said, checking myself out.

Maaan, was I working it. It was perfect! It fit perfectly, wasn't too tight or too loose, it was black, which I rock best, and the fact that it was a maxi dress was even better. The sleeves were short, but they were there, with a rounded neck-line; not too low to show too much cleavage and at the waist was a somewhat thick burgundy sparkled belt. I smoothed down the dress while Bella came behind me with her hands behind her back. I turned to face her and realized she was hold something.

Charm ;)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang