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I sat nonchalantly watching people, in this bench isolated from the rest of the world. Or in my case, a big crowd that was surrounding me.

Dozens of people danced with drinks in their hands, signing along to whatever shitty song was being performed onstage.

While everyone back there danced with their friends, I sat here since I was more of an introvert. I'd been quiet pretty much all my life, the most people heard from me when was I had an answer right in class.

I came here regularly since I loved to read and this was my favorite park in Chicago. It was in glenview, far enough from the city but still not too long of a drive from where I lived.

I came here about three times a week so a music festival wasn't gonna get in the way of me enjoying my time here. 

I flipped the page to my book and shakily adjusted my glasses, a group of people were walking by. Suddenly, someone's legs collided with mine, which were stretched out.

How in hell am I going to get myself out of this one. He's probably either gonna cuss me out, or get angry in front of all these people.

Nice one ,Patrick ,nice one...

He landed in front of me, letting out a string of swear words. He stood up, trying to balance himself as his friends laughed at him. I cringed and looked away quickly, not wanting to see the mess I had caused.

"Keep laughing Hurley, and I'll have your ass down here with me in 5 seconds flat."

"Id like to see you try"

I stood up and quickly scrambled for something to say. God, why did I have to be so awkward around others.

There stood a boy, about my age which was around 18 or 19. He had olive coloured skin, black hair and these dark brown eyes. They were hazel coloured, but a bit darker. Like whiskey in a shot glass...

He was dressed in a dark red hoodie, and had on black jeans.

My stomach dropped a little.

"I-I'm S-so sorr-sorry." He raised an eyebrow at me. I tugged on the sleeve to my red long sleeve sweater as I fought he heavy urge to stare at the gravel ground.

Tugging at my sleeves became a bad habit from when I first started to have anxiety back in fourth grade. But avoiding contact with people never did helped in the long run.
What did it do for me?

He studied my face a bit before speaking up.

"Uh it's fine I guess, Im Pete." He spoke up, I could hear the slyness in his voice.

"I'm Patrick."
He smirked a little.

Without a warning , he plopped down onto the wooden bench beside me, almost causing my book to fall off. I panicked and grabbed it, making sure not to loose my page.
I liked reading a little too much...

"So, watcha reading , Patrick" he said, leaning in. I gulped and answered
"To Kill A Mockingbird." I rolled my eyes a little, "you've probably never head of it." I mumbled.


He continued asking me questions about where I was from, and I told him about Glenview. Turns out, be lived just a few miles north , in Wilmette. Not too far from me. The conversation between us two died down when the crowd did. People started to head back to their cars, leaving behind all their garbage and drinks. On the way back to the parking lot, he asked me why I was reading tonight , and not watching the performances.

I just shrugged and said that I'd rather be alone than in a crowd with batshit crazy teenagers. He laughed. I like this guy.

So here we were now, standing in front of my car at 12:56 am just chatting before I drove off. "You coming back tomorrow night, Patrick?" He asked, running his hand through his hair.
"Yeah... I'll probably just be... over there." I laughed awkwardly and pointed to the far concert of the parc, where I had been sitting.
"Sweet. I'll be here at around 10:00, see you then. Yeah?"

"Yeah , Pete."

He smiled and I opened the door to my car.
"oh and Patrick?" I tilted my head up a little to face him while he spoke.

"It was Boo Radley who killed Ewell."
I shrugged.

[yo, so that last part is how to kill a mockingbird ended irl!! patrick assumed Pete wouldn't be the type of person to read a classic novel but he was wrong. I hope this part was okay. I'll update tomorrow for sure wowie. Have a gn. .]

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