Chapter 6

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Y/N's P.O.V

I stood outside of the hideout, waiting for Swift to hurry up, he was locking up the doors and telling his brothers where we were going. He walked towards me and kissed my forehead, causing me to blush as well as pushing him away from me. "Your so cute when you blush." He told me, smirking. He then began to turn his watch left and right, turning him back into his human form. "Come on pretty boy, let's go and find Leo." I said as I began to walk. "So babe, any idea where he could be at?"He asked me, walking behind me. I could tell he didn't really want to find Leo, he would rather stay at the hideout and watch TV then go looking for someone that he didn't like. The only reason why he came with me is because I have the worst luck of staying out of trouble, plus if anything bad happened to Leo and he was being held captive, I would not come back with him alive. "Well one thing, we have to go over to his house and ask his brother's some questions."I told him. "If they know where he went then why would ask for our help?"He asked me. Damn you Swift, always noticing the flaw in my plans. "Cause we need to know what they know, if we know what happened then it'll be easier for us to find him." I told him. "That does make sense, but what happens if he's dead?" Swift asked me, causing me to stop dead in my tracks.

"Don't say that Swift, he can and is not dead. We will find him and we'll bring him back home to his brothers and father." I told him, not turning around to face him. If Leo was dead, I wouldn't be able to live, knowing that I caused him to die. It was my fault, if I didn't run off and hide from him, then he wouldn't be missing or even worse, dead. I let out a quiet sigh then continued to walk. Swift never brought up Leo after that, every time our conversation began to lead into Leo, we would stop talking. Finally after the long walk, we reached the Hamato house hold. I knocked on the door, Swift leaned against the wall, he began to pull out a cigarette. I glared at him, I didn't want to smell the smoke and I'm pretty sure neither does Mikey,Raph and Donnie. "What's wrong? You want one?" He offered me. "No I don't plus can you not smoke around me or my friends?" I asked him. He let out an irradiated sigh, he put the cigarette away, along with his lighter. He pulled out a lollipop and put it into his mouth, not even looking at me. The door opened up, revealing Mikey. "Hey Mikey, Raph told me what happened to Leo." I told him. "Yeah, thank god you got here, Donnie is almost done packing some weapons." Mikey told me as he walked back inside. I followed him, Swift close behind me, he looked around the house. Last time he was here, he just stormed into here, grabbed me and took me away. He didn't get time to look around the house. "Weapons, what do you mean?" I asked him as Swift plopped himself on the couch.

Before Mikey could answer, Raph walked into the room and noticed Swift. "What is he doing here?" Raph asked me. Before I could reply, Swift took his lollipop out of his mouth and spoke. "I want to help to find your brother, I was the one who caused Y/N to leave which caused Leo to run after her." He told Raph with a blank expression. "Okay then. Y/N, the reason why we're bringing weapons cause we have to fight against the Foot clan." Raph told me. I looked at him confused, I never heard of the Foot clan. I looked over at Swift, his eyes were wide with shock, I guess they must be famous, well more like infamous if we needed weapons. "Who are they?" I asked. "They're a very dangerous bunch of criminals, all working for the Shredder. They have foot soldiers as well as monsters who are trying to take over New York City." Raph informed me. Monsters? Does he mean mutants like Swift and his family? "How do you know this?" I asked him. Donnie walks inside the room with some weapons. "We got a note, it was attached to our door when we got home last night. We didn't tell you this since we thought it was better for you to not know until we met in person." Donnie told me. "Can I see the note please?" Swift asked him. Donnie nodded and walked to the kitchen with Swift following him.

Swift's P.O.V

Me and, Donnie I think, walked into the kitchen. He picked up the note off the table and handed it to me. I took the note and began to read it to myself.

Dear Hamoto family,

We have Leonardo, he is safe for now. We want a trade, bring Master Splinter and his four sons and we shall give you back Leonardo. If you don't bring him then the deal is off and he shall die. You have 1 night to decide, tomorrow night go to the abandoned war ship on the docks at 11:30 pm.

-Foot Clan

It is the clan, no one other than Y/N knows about us or Master Splinter. They don't know our names nor who we are. I have to send this to the others. "We have no clue who Master Splinter is nor his four sons. We have no choice but to fight and try to save Leo." Donnie informed me. "True, if we are going to fight them, we need more man power. I'll call my brothers to see if they can help." I told him, putting the note back onto the table. "Alright, I'll call our other two friends." He said walking back into the main room. I grabbed his wrist and leaned next to his ear. "Don't tell Y/N about what the note says, she'll lose consecration." I whispered. He nodded his head, I let his wrist go and he walked back into the main room. I pulled my phone out and called Rebel. "What is it Swift?" He asked with an annoyed tone. "The foot has Y/N's friend, they want us and Master Splinter, if not they will kill her friend. They won't be able to beat them without our help." I told him as quietly as I could. "Where and when?"He asked me, changing his tone. "Tonight at 11:30 pm at the abandoned war ship on the docks." I told him, in a low voice."Okay, we'll be there." He told me before hanging up. I turned my phone off and put it back into my pocket.

We knew the foot clan wanted to kill us but do they really want to, this bad? Kidnapping someone's brother, kidnapping my girl's friend, they crossed the line now. I won't show them any mercy, they don't deserve mercy. I turned around and was faced with Y/N. "Did you call your brothers?" She asked me. I nodded my head 'yes'. "They will meet up with us."I told her, showing no expression. She looked at the note that was still on the table, she reached for it but I grabbed her wrist. She looked at me, with utter confusion. "You can't read it Y/N." I told her, looking at her with a serious expression. "Why can't I?"She asked me. "You will lose concentration if you read the note. You're mind must stay in the game." I told her. She pulled her arm away from my grasp and walked away. I knew she was upset with me, but I didn't care. If she reads the note, her mind will do anything to get Leo back, including risking her life. I can't let her do that no matter what.

Y/N's P.O.V

I can't believe he's not letting me read the note! I'm Leo's friend, Swift barely even talked to him and he get's to read the note! This is so stupid, if anything he made my mind more focused on reading that note than saving Leo. Great, now I've lost all concentration thanks to him. I walked outside and sat down on the back porch, taking multiple deep breaths. As I was breathing, I heard someone walk towards me then sit next to me. My first thought was that it was Swift trying to apologize to me, but when I look to see who it was. I was faced with Donnie. Before I could say anything he hand me the note. "You should read it, you and Leo are somewhat close to each other. Swift has no control on who get's to read it." Donnie tells me, not looking at me. "Thank you Donnie." I tell him quietly as I took the not. I began to read the note, my eyes widen when I read the whole note. "We have no idea who these people are. We planned to attack them with full strength, Swift's brothers are coming with us." Donnie informed me. I already knew that part but why did they want Swift and his family so bad? This is something beyond me and something that shouldn't have involved my friends. I partially blame Swift for all of this and meeting me, but I couldn't be so mad at him. He wanted to see me again after meeting me. My main question that I keep asking is, how did they know about Leo and his brothers?

(( Sorry for not updating for so long. School has been a pain so that's why I haven't updated. I will try to update the others during this week.))

My Rebel Boy    [Tmnt Street Punks: Swift x Reader]  (DISCONTINUED)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz