Chapter 1

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Present Day

8:22 p.m.

I open the oven to check the chicken cordon bleu again. I'm sure it's dry by now. I close the door and reach for the glass of wine I poured thirty minutes ago. Maverick's wine glass is full, untouched, and probably warm. The candle on the table is still burning, and it crosses my mind to blow it out before the wax runs down to nothing.

I walk over to the table, blow out the candle, and top off my own wine with Mav's. As I do, my attention slides to my phone. At least he texted me, I think, reading it one more time.

Meeting running late. Be home when I can.

He doesn't have control of the meeting, of course. He's the low man on the totem pole at the firm and that comes with certain expectations, including late hours when everyone else gets to go home. That may or may not be the case tonight. I just wish it didn't have to be this night.

Especially after what happened this morning.

My fingers move over the keyboard of my phone, responding to the text he sent fifteen minutes ago. Again, once I have my message typed out, I delete it. Now isn't the time for explanations or "I'm sorry," and chances are he's turned his phone to silent like he does during work hours.

I take my wine and phone into the living room and curl up in the armchair. Morocco, our overweight black cat, jumps onto my lap and nudges me with his head. He and I have spent many late nights alone. He seems to think this is our routine now.

"Don't get used to it," I tell him, smoothing my palm down the length of his back to his tail. He purrs immediately. "This is only temporary ... I hope."

I'm referring to our current situation. Us living in this cramped apartment, Maverick working late, and me taking summer classes because I didn't return to school last semester. I'm better now, but I just don't feel ready yet. Honestly, I'd rather wait until fall semester to return. Maverick insisted though, and I didn't have the energy to say no.

"I need to get settled into this job, Alieya, and you need to do something to keep your mind off of..." He'd trailed off, because we both knew the rest, and he didn't want to bring it up, for fear of my going dark again.

Law school and then the firm have taken their toll on him. This last year has taken its toll on the both of us.

I glance at the textbooks on the floor, the ones I abandoned to make dinner. I have a term paper due on Monday and an exam on Thursday. I should be studying instead of sittting here, but Morocco is comfortable. I don't want to disturb him. Plus, I haven't finished my second glass of wine yet.

My phone rings, and I knock Morocco in the head as I reach for it. He's only fazed for a moment before he nestles back into my lap. He'll expect some extra love from me though.

I look at the name. It's not Mav.

"Hey, Finley," I answer, masking the disappointment in my voice. She'll know; she always does.

"Still not home, huh?" she says, and I can hear her frown. We're so in tune with each other. It's what happens when you've had the same best friend for twenty-two years.

"No, and I think I've ruined the chicken."

"But you have wine, right?"

"On my second glass."

She snorts. "Second? Girl, what is wrong with you? I taught you better than that."

I smile. Finn is a wineaholic in a good way. Her parents are connoisseurs, and their daughter will follow in their footsteps. Because of her, I've never tasted bad wine.

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