The Way to a Turtle's Heart

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The call came as a surprise to everyone. April had requested that they come to this small Japanese restaurant on the edge of town. She wouldn't say why, only that they wouldn't be disappointed. And so, they all took off across the roofs, fantasizing about what their friend wanted.

"Why do you think April called us?" Mikey wondered aloud.

"No clue." Hisako replied, vaulting over a particularly wide jump. "My powers don't stretch that far."

"And she didn't say anything else when she called?" Leo asked.

"Nope." Donny answered. "But we'll find out soon. We're almost there."

The turtles landed in a back alley beside a noodle shop called 'Murakami's 24/7 Noodles'. April was waiting for them, a long coat pulled around her against the chill of the night. As they landed, they all greeted her with high threes, or in Hisako's case, a hug.

"Hey April." Leo greeted as his sister finally released the redhead.

"Hey guys." April replied. "I'm glad you guys showed. I've got some big news."

"You and Casey are getting married?" Mikey guessed.

April's face turned about a red as her hair as Raph slapped the orange turtle upside the head.

"What?" Mikey protested. "It's not too far-fetched."

"What is it, April?" Leo asked, ignoring his sibling.

April shook her head, clearing her thoughts, then undid her coat. She opened it up to reveal a yellow uniform that read '24/7 Noodle' on the right breast pocket. Her name was on the other pocket, along with the words 'delivery girl'

"I finally managed to get a paying job!" she declared happily.

"That's great!" Donnie declared.

"Way to go!" Hisako proclaimed

"Woohoo!" Mikey cheered.

Raph crossed his arms and smirked.

"From intern at a highly respected technology firm to delivering noodles for ten bucks a bowl." Raph quipped. "Kinda a downgrade don't ya think?"

"Well, if you learned that the idol you'd looked up to since you were a kid was a psychotic sociopath, wouldn't you want a career change?" April shot back.

Mikey thought for a moment, then shivered.

"I just imagined Splinter as a supervillain." Mikey told them. "With razor sharp teeth, claws, and a cane that-"

Before he could go on, Raph gave him another smack on the back of the head.

"Besides," April continued, ignoring Mikey's antics. "I get paid here, even if it is only ten bucks a bowl."

"We're all happy for you April, but why not tell us over the phone?" Leo asked. "It's not like we can come in and order anything."

April smirked.

"Actually, you can." She informed them, much to their collective surprise. "All of you can, not just Hisako."

"Why?" Donnie asked. "The manager pro-mutant or something?"

"Something." April answered, opening the side door into the restaurant. "Just follow me."

"...Ok." Leo responded hesitantly.

They all entered the restaurant, the smell of genuine Japanese food wafting through the building. The turtles and Hisako took in a whiff and immediately fell in love with the place. As if to add to the genuine feel of the place, the restaurant was decorated with Japanese paintings, shelves of antique Japanese pottery, and even a katana displayed over the main desk.

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