Episode 24

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Joe's POV-

The next couple of days go by and it's soon 29th, been getting ready for the show with Demi a lot, we wanted to make sure the show tonight is perfect with no mistakes or nothing! Sel will also be joining us this time, she wanted to know how all of this works so she will be with me most of the time and if not watching the show backstage. We just reached the studio getting swarmed by men with cameras, as soon as Lee advertised we were back here tonight everyone went crazy! We push our way through the crowds and get into the building, we travel to our dressing room and separate Sel following me into mine.

"I can't believe my best friend is performing on TV!" Sel exclaims flopping on the couch. I smile and sit next to her making her lean my shoulder.

"Well believe it because it's true!" I exclaim back and she laughs.

"Well you don't want to be late on your first performance so you better get changed."

"Help me?" I suggest and she nods making us both stand up.

I stand backstage with Demi and Sel waiting to go on, we will be having a small interview, if possible, and then performing our song. I'm actually quite content which surprised me, I'm usually panicking by now because I never performed on TV before with millions of people watching. I look over at the audience seeing a bunch of signs, some about Demi but also some are about me, I've been getting plenty of twitter followers and I was headline on the newspaper yesterday, front page!

"Please welcome on Demi Lovato and the guy who kisses his best friends, Joe Jonas!" I hear and we laugh about to walk on before  I was stopped by Sel.

"Don't I get a kiss." She asks.

"Hell no!" I get out of the grip and walk off catching Demi up. We wave to the audience that are going crazy and sit down.

"How are you guys?" He asks.

"I'm good." Demi says and I nod in agreement. 

"Good, should we do performance first?" He suggests and I turn to Demi who nods, we both get up and stand on the performance area. We set up while Kyle talks a bit to keep the viewers interested.

"Are you sure you want to do this? You still have chance to say no." Demi asks and I turn to her looking at her.

"I'm fine, I promise." I tell her and she nods. Lee turns to us and I sit down on the piano, he introduces us and we begin playing. Demi begins her verse which soon turns into the chorus and finishes that meaning it is now my turn. I stand up from the piano and grab the mic, I begin singing my solo everyone's eyes on me, seeing what I sound like and how good I actually am. The song comes to a close and we gets applauses, Demi gives me a hug and I hug back pulling back a few moments later. We say thanks to the musicians and sit back down still getting claps.

"Wow guys!" Lee exclaims making everyone cheer. Eventually everyone calms down and we can have a chat. "I mean we knew how amazing Demi was but you Joe! Your amazing!"

"Thanks I guess." I say looking over at Sel who's smiling at me.

"What you looking at?" Lee says and looks over. "Who's this Joe?"


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