Chapter 8

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Third person POV

Peter woke up the next morning to the yelling of nibs.

"don't tell me otherwise curly. I swear rufio told me that he was going hunting and he was bringing newt with him to help control the draconem!" Nibs voice rang through his ears.

He groaned and turned onto his side. All he wanted to do was wake up with the girl he loves in his arms and lay in bed all day. But he knew he couldn't have that.

With a huff he got out of bed. He walked over to his bedroom mirror and jumped back. His hair looked like a birds nest. He sighed and ran his hands through his hair to make him look more presentable. Then he left his room.

On the way out of the tree house he passed her room. He contemplated going in but knew that she probably needed space after what he shouted at her yesterday. But he was right. Was he not?

He let out a breath and carried on walking out of the tree house. "Morning Peter!" Frypan smiled at him. He gave a small smile back.

He sat down and shoved a piece of dry toast into his mouth. He inspected the campus as he chewed, but he couldn't see a certain strawberry blonde. Must still be sleeping he thought

"Hey Peter!" Twin two said running over to him with a sheet of paper in his hand. "Rose is gone"

Peter immediately jumped out of his seat "what?!" He yelled making some boys look at him.

"She left a note for you" twin two said holding out the note. Peter snatched it out of his hands before he could Finish his sentence. Peter read every single word of every single sentence. He started to panic when he read that she might not be even coming back and she wanted him not to look for her.

What does she mean she lied to protect me? He thought to himself.  He then folded up the letter and shoved it into his pocket.

He then marched off into the forest, ignoring the weird stares he was getting. But one thing was certain. He was going to find Rose.


Rose groaned and rolled over on the bed, ignoring the person shaking her. "Shuck off shank" she mumbled, throwing a sloppy slap over her shoulder.

Newt rolled his eyes. He knew she wasn't a morning person but she had to get up now so they could begin their journey on suicide island, as he now called it. He smirked as An idea struck him.

"Rose get up before nibs eats your bacon again!"

With that said Rose sprang up in bed. "That bastard!" She screamed. She glanced round at her surroundings. Then everything from the night before came flooding back. She turned to newt and glared at him.

He gave a mock surrender and walked away from her.

Then rufio jumped into the hole. He chuckled. "Morning sleeping beauty. How did he wake you up? Did he kiss you?" He playfully asked

Rose scrunched up her face and shook her head. "Hell no! He wouldn't live to see next Thursday!" She shrieked. Newt smirked and shook his head. He was acting cool about it but deep down he was hurt.

"Why Thursday?" Rufio asked shaking his head.

"Leave me alone I just woke up" Rose groaned while flopping back on the bed.

"We have to get up now Rose come on" newt said whilst rolling up his sleeping bag.

Rose sighed and reluctantly got out of the bed. "Where to first?" She asked rufio.

"Cave of spirits" he replied throwing her a backpack. "There are some cereal bars in the front pocket if your hungry" Rose didn't think twice before diving into the front pocket of the backpack and ramming a cereal bar in her mouth.

Newt chuckled at her. "Hungry?" He asked sarcastically.

"Shut up" she mumbled back though a mouthful of dry cereal.

"It's an hour from here to the cave of spirits so we will leave now" rufio said, zipping up his backpack.

Rose froze. "Do we have time to change?" She asked.

Rufio shook his head "we only change our clothes if it is vital like if we are soaked in... i don't know... werewolf saliva?" Rufio questioned himself.

"Werewolves?" Newt questioned

Rufio nodded "yes werewolves. But they're not really that bad. Quite civil when they're human. It's the vampires that you need to watch out for. Sly leaches"

"Do they go wondering round the island?" Rose asked shoving a wrapper into her pocket.

"Not really. They both have little villages at both ends of the island. We might be unlucky and bump into a rouge vampire. But they're easy to kill when you know how. And i" rufio smirked "know how"

"Is there anything that can hurt us in the cave of spirits?" Newt asked.

Rufio shook his head. "No. the cave of spirits is full of harmful and calm spirits. But that doesn't mean the child ghosts won't try to scare you. Look are we going to talk about it all day or are we going to start going there?" Rufio asked, getting Annoyed now.

Rose nodded. "Let's go" she said standing up and walking out of the den. Newt was right behind her. Rufio quickly grabbed something from the side of the bedside table and followed them out.

"Let's start our adventure!" Rufio cheered, walking in front of the two waiting  ex-gladers.

"About time you got out of that fox house" rose mumbled under her breathe. Rufio heard it but decided to ignore it. They all then headed off in the direction of the cave of spirits.

Not knowing about the eyes following them.

A girl sat at the top of the tree, watching every move they took. Her brown eyes glared at one individual. Rose. She was gripping the tree branch so hard she almost snapped it with her bare hands. Rose had taken something from her. Something special to the girl. Something she would be getting back. Even if that meant killing her herself.

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