Chapter 4

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On the ground floor of the remake centre, practically a huge stable, the place is stuffed. There is twice as many everything as usual, twice as many tributes, twice as many chariots and horses, twice as much anxiety as usual. Everyone is glued to their chariots. Nobody's speaking, barely anybody is moving at all.  I stick by my coal black horse, carelessly stroking his mane. 

"Why am I here?!"  I think out loud, a little too loud, because Maysilee Donner hears me, she's wearing a replica to my skimpy outfit, and wearing a headlamp with a yellow flame, instead of my plain white flame.  Well, at least something is different.  Something else too, although I can't put my finger on it, there's something.

"Trust me Haymitch, nobody wants to be here, even one and two, deep down inside, they're nervous too.  The best thing you can do is hide it, make you look confident, even if you don't feel that way"  Now I know what it is that's different, it's not the costume, it's her.  She looks amazing in her outfit, even if the outfit isn't exactly amazing.  A sudden shiver creeps up my spine.  What is this feeling?!

A static filled voice booms through the stable, telling us to mount onto our chariots.

"I guess I'll go with you, it's better than going with Thom, he's never been that attractive to me."  I don't have any misgivings with this, and I agree with her anyway.  Thom is a tool.  So we mount up onto our chariot as the massive doors open up into the daunting throng outside.  There's a cleared path that is obviously where we're going.  

"Oh man, what if something horrible happens," I think to myself,

"Like everybody boo's us, or I fall out of my chariot, or I simply look scared.  I can't look like I actually care in front of all those people, I have to look like I don't care.  Like I'm one step ahead of the game."  I'm happy to compile with my decision, when the unthinkable happens, Maysilee is hopping into the chariot just as the horses are going, and she loses her footing, almost landing on the cold, hard ground, but she manages to lock her hand in mine at the very last minute, and my stomach leaps inside of me before contracting in a medley of good and bad emotions, and with clenched fingers and white knuckles, I slowly pull her up into the chariot.

"You alright?" I whisper, but she doesn' t respond, that's when I see the tears running down her cheek and I know from past girl experience that the best thing to do is leave her alone.  She must be embarrassed enough already.


Short yet again...  I have no excuse.  Well, I've planned everything out!  So if you notice I'm slacking off a bit, say so in the comments and I'll upload something as soon as I can.


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