He growled and took a step forward, reaching to grab me and I reacted on instinct. I clenched my fist and hurled it at his face with as much force as I could muster.  It hit him square in the face, the sickening crack of his nose echoed through the air, accompanied by his loud growls as he stumbled backwards. I kicked his feet out from underneath him, making him crash to the ground with a curse. Bending down next to his head I draw the long, wicked knife from my boot and held it at his throat. “Get off my land and tell your alpha that he can go fuck himself.”

His hand encircled my wrist, crushing it with the sheer strength he possessed. Pain shot through my arm and I knew that he could and would snap my arm like a tooth pick. With a cry I head butted him, making him release me in shock. My head pounded as I stood, holding the knife as I smoothly drew my gun from my hip, pointing it directly at his head. “I’ll give you one last chance; leave or I’ll shoot.”

He grinned maliciously as he wiped away the blood pouring from his nose. “I’d like to see you try bitch.”

I shrugged and aimed the gun at his knee cap, pulling the trigger with a loud bang. He screamed as his knee shattered on impact and looked up at me in hate.  

I shrugged, staring at him with a cold expression. “I gave you a choice and you chose wrong. This land is mine and now that you and your lying alpha have pissed me off, consider this ranch a rouge safe haven; if you try anything, know that I will make sure that you feel pain like you’ve never felt before. Tell your alpha to watch his back.”

“You can’t kill me with that.” He snarled, clawing rabidly at the grass.

I shrugged, keeping my aim on his head. “Perhaps not but it’d hurt like a bitch and I’m sure that once my friends get here, they won’t be happy.”

Slowly he stood, shaking his head at me. “You don’t know what you’ve started little girl; you’ll regret this.”

“That’s debatable; now get out of here unless you want to see how handy I am with a knife.” My voice was dark, almost unrecognisable to my own ears as I threatened him; I was so very different to the girl I’d been nearly five years ago.

He glared at me as he slowly slunk off. “Watch your back.” He shifted into a wolf and limped off in the direction he’d come, but his leaving did nothing to calm the rage within me; I hadn’t been this angry in a long, long time and it never ended well for the one who’d crossed me.


“Evan what happened?” Kate asked as she ran out of the house with Lennox, Mary and Jake hot on her tail.

I was still fuming, my wrist felt like it’d been broken and was now a mottle blue with purple and black patches- I’d had worse though, much worse. “Get Chev, Maddox and the others.” I barked, making her jump.

Jake nodded and ran off as Lennox helped Kate down the stairs and Mary went back inside. “My god, your wrist!”

I shook my head as Mary ran out of the house with an ice bag. “I met a charming wolf out in the fields today, thank you.” I said as she handed me the ice pack, hissing as the cold touched the badly bruised skin. Maddox rounded the corner of the house in the next minute, followed by Chev, Jake, the twins and Calvin who held a pair of pliers in his hand.

“What’s wrong, Jake said something happened but he wouldn’t tell us anything else.” I hissed as I moved my wrist around and Mads’ eyes landed on the bruises. “Who did this?” He growled. “I’ll kill them.”

At that I laughed, shaking my head. “That may be a little hard since he’s long gone, but don’t worry he came out a lot worse than me.”

“What’d you do? What happened?” Lennox asked as Chev took the icepack from me and examined my wrist.

“I broke his nose, knocked him on his ass and then shattered his knee cap after he tried to grab me.”

“Jesus, I got off easy; was he a wolf?” Maddox asked.

I nodded and pursed my lips. “From the nearby pack, he came to give me a message from his alpha.” My temper flared as I thought of what had happened. “The bastards seem to think that this ranch is part of their territory and you know what? I don’t care if it is because this is my home.” I looked at Chev and smirked. “You say this isn’t part of their territory, well I believe you; and you know what we’re going to do about it?” I chuckled at the thought of what was to come. “We’re going to rebuild the bunkers and invite every single rouge you’ve ever known to come live here. I’m pissed and I will not be bullied by some alpha who thinks he can tell me what to do!”

All their eyes widened and Chev shook his head, a grin forming on his face. “I do believe they just picked the wrong woman to mess with.”

“Indeed they did; they have no idea what I’m capable of.” I growled, clenching my fists, ignoring the pain. “They have no idea who they just crossed.” They’d soon find out though.

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