Internally groaning, I returned her smile and gestured for her to lead the way.

As we walked in silence down the long corridor of the castle, I could hear my father talking to his pack through the opened windows. A warm breeze caught the slit of my dress and wrapped around me comfortingly. Our pack roared with applause and whistles as their King spoke to them. I sighed glancing nervously to Sonya.

Her burgundy knee length dress complimented her hourglass figure. Her makeup was minimal, not that she needed much anyway. Her onyx black hair was braided loosely and pinned into a spiral bun. She walked with grace, her black high heels thudding quietly on the carpet. I studied her for a minute more as we rounded the corner of the long corridor and approached the elevators, her toned arm reached out to push the button gracefully.

"Are you alright darling?" She questioned, raising an eyebrow. Clearly my silence was giving hint of my nervousness, it was to be expected though. Not only am I meeting my mate but I'll also be meeting my wolf for the first time tonight. I'm sure the other Princes and Princesses before me were just as nervous.

"I'm okay" I lied, she knew it was a lie but what am I to do?

"You will be fine, our whole pack is here tonight, along with the Whispering Winds pack and the Hollow Branches pack. And if you don't find your mate within the three packs here tonight your father has already mentioned hosting another meeting with the other packs as well. Don't be nervous darling you will find each other." She spoke soothingly, her mother bird wings spread out giving comfort to me as always.

"I know, but not only am I worried about finding my mate, I'll also be meeting my wolf for the first time tonight and not to mention I'll be going through my first shift" I croaked out, swallowing roughly. Every newly shifted wolf was warned of the pain that came with the first shift, muscles and bones expanding and morphing into another figure. Of course it was painful.

She sent me a small understanding smile, "You're going to be okay, with royal blood running through your veins your shift shouldn't be very painful. And as far as meeting your wolf it's unheard of for a skin side and a wolf side to not get along, you two were handpicked by the moon to share a mind and body."

I sighed, she was right. I was overreacting over this, the Royal Family has been around since the dawn of time. More wolves than I can count have been through this and it will be no different for me.

She placed her hand on mine and gave me a reassuring squeeze. "You can do this. Just breathe and know that the Moon has a plan and she will not fail you."

The elevator dinged upon its arrival, I sent her a small smile and she returned it quickly as she strode through the open doors. I followed behind her and settled into the corner of the large elevator, she placed herself directly between myself and the doors assuming guard position.

The quick ride was silent, but I took the time to clear my mind and breathe in deeply. I had to be strong and present myself as such to the pack.

The elevator dinged again as the doors whooshed open, giving our eyes access to the ground floor. The foyer had a high ceiling, with plush carpeting and hand painted wolf murals on the walls. There was a small wrought iron table topped with glass placed in the center of the room, white roses were nestled into a large vase that sat on top; a symbol of purity.

Sonya walked with purpose and confidence as she headed for the large double doors that lead outside. She stopped quickly and turned to face me. "Breathe darling, as Princess, future Queen and Luna I need you to be strong." She spoke, brushing off my shoulders and adjusting my dress.

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