Come Back

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Bubble ? Bub.. ble??? Don't know what that is .. Nyah and Bri & Cheyenne to stuck on niggas . While I'm here bussing my ass off rehearsal started at 9 and it's 10:30

"Sorry I'm late" Bri said running in

"Mm"I hummed then walked away

Then Nyah came moping in I honesty don't care enough to ask her what's wrong because 10 outta 10 Ronnie dud something then Cheyenne came in blushing

"What's wrong juju"Nyah asked concerned

"Yeah , you barely talk to us anymore " Bri said grabbing my hand but I yanked it away

"Y'all is my mfn problem, What happened to bubble .. How about we just end this shit now.. I'm sick of being the only mfer that care & youu bitches out here being dick dumb"I yelled

"First off we all care . Don't be bitter because your single, None of us told you to curve every nigga that try to fw you" Cheyenne said rolling her eyes

"That's not the reason.. Your obviously not listening to me... You know what fuck all of y'all " I yelled running out of the building with tears running down my face .. I went to the back to get in my car and somebody put a gun to my head

"Scream and I'll blow ya brains out" ??? Said


"No jouri .. I'm out"Bri said throwing her hands up and walking out

"This shit is a waste of fucking time"Cheyenne yelled before kicking a chair over and walking out

I just stood there like a lost puppy then went to the wall full of our pictures we took and ran my hands on the wall as the tears started coming down



I opened my eyes to be in a basement that was so disgusting.. it was rats down here & water leaking from somewhere then I seen a body walking closer and it was trey .. Thank god

"I'm so glad to see youu .. Now cut me outta hear" I said struggling

He chuckled " Nah I'm good"

"Um why is that" I asked confused

"You broke bro heart now he's back"Trey said lighting a blunt

"Who is 'bro' " I said confused

"Ayo bro" Trey called out then ..


"So bubble over .. Because of nothing" August said pulling his chin hairs

"It's not over nothing! Jouri felt like we ain't have her back and we was slowly falling apart anyways .. A bitch ain't gon stay there waiting for jouri to come back" I said looking back at him

"That's petty though , Baby guh y'all need to really talk before making a big step like dat"He said picking me up and putting me on the counter in front of him

"Ian talking about shit " I said rolling my eyes

"That's ya problem ma , You hotheaded asf and that ain't good ... Those girls is ya family blood even though you and Cheyenne started off rough y'all like grew close.. Don't throw that away by always being up under me .. ian going nowhere a nigga still gon be here when ya come home " He said looking straight into my eyes

"Okayyy dr.phill can we cook sum about now .. I'll think about what you said fr" I said grabbing his face and kissing him the hopping off the counter


"Bae why you smell like a basement" I said holding my nose

"I was helping my brother with something " he said then wrapped his arms around my waist

"Helping him with what"I said looking up and pecking his lips

"Just moving sum shit around .. Nothing major" He said smiling

"Oh" I said knowing he was lying ... I'm far from gullible


I walked in the house and sighed ... Bubble is over and Ronnie still isn't talking to me .. I walked into the front and sat next to him and broke down and he pulled me into a hug and kissed my forehead

"Bubble is over"I mumbled still crying

He hugged me tighter which caused me to cry harder be pulled me into his lap and I curled up and cried myself to sleep


"You picked them bitches over me"Craig yelled

"Look untie me so we can talk"I said nonchalantly and he untied me

"I love you"He said dropping to his knees crying and I grabbed his face and kissed him

"Fuck them baby ... It's us against the world" I said hugging him

"You mean it" He said then sniffed

"Yesss , I won't ever choose anyone over you again " I said rubbing his cheeks

Yes I was lien to this nigga but I'm trying to get tf outta here

We stood up and I kissed him passionately

"I haven't had a kiss like that in awhile " I said against his lips

"And you never will again" He smirked the boom I fell holding the side of my stomach moving away from him

"Bitch you thought you was going to play me" He said through gritted teeth

"My nurse will be down here to fix you up then I want you upstairs cooking me some food .. Try to leave and that's your life .. Tell anyone and that's your life .. Understood?" He asked looking down at me but I didn't say anything he chuckled then squatting down in front of me and slapped me with his pistol


"Fuck you" I said then spit in his face and kicked him where the sun doesn't shine and he screamed out .. I grabbed the gun and aimed it at his head

"Youu don't got the guts"He said smirking then BOOM

I squatted down and looked at his lifeless body .. I then felt weird .. the room started spinning then the next thing I know I fell and blacked out

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