The Grazers

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That's what I thought when I heard the loud sickening crack. The loud sound hurt my very sensitive ears. I sprung into the air, head first, abandoning my fresh kill. I sprinted forward with all my might forcing me to run like I never have before. My legs hurt underneath my body but I have to kept running. I have to make it to the safe zone before he catches me.
We call him Sang Pemburu, or The Hunter. We call him and his team The Grazers because they stalk you and hunt you. They wait harmlessly like a piece of pray until they want to strike. They chase after you with long wooden poles that shoot out little pebbles that bring death to all. Depending on where the shoot you you might go out instantly or have a long and painful death. All a Grazer has to do is catch you, and your done for.
I keep running. My paws are bleeding a red gooey liquid that smells putrid to my nose. I keep hearing the loud booms of the wooden poles close behind me. I wonder if they will ever run out of the pebble sized death. The Grazers shout and shoot at me because they want me. I can't let them catch me because he will take me. They will shoot me with death. Then they will take my lifeless body and take all my organs out and stuff me. They will sell me for money or Sang Pemburu will keep me as his own sick trophy.
I am running so fast that everything is a blur. I can feel my legs pounding, wanting me to stop, but I don't let them. I am running too fast for my kind. We are not supposed to run this fast, but when when you have a murder chasing you everything changes.
I am scared but I know I have a chance to live. I've outrun him before. That's why he wants me so badly. I keep escaping his cruel, unfriendly grasp. No one escapes Sang Pemburu. Except me.
I'm still running until I see a break in the trees. I want to stop to catch my breath, but I can't. He will catch me if I stop. I pull through the clearing. Straight into the trees again. I have an advantage in this part of the forest. I know my way around. The Grazers have never been on this side of the reserve.
I still hear shouting and the sounds of the long wooden poles very close behind me. I hear the loud booms every second. I'm getting close to the reserve now. They can't get me while I'm in there. I know I'm only a few hundred feet away. I just keep running.
I am trying hard to fight the pain of my racing heart inside my chest. It beats so loudly that I'm sure The Grazers can hear it too. My arms and legs start failing underneath me. I keep tripping over my own big clumsy paws.
I can see it now. The fence that will hold me safely. The thought that I might make it out alive gives me a burst of energy. Suddenly I don't feel the aching pain in my legs and paws. They strangely don't feel like fire anymore. I feel strong, even though I have been running at an unnatural pace for far too long.
I hear something. It's the sound of a baby cub playing in the grass. Then I see them. They are playing a game of tackle. I want to join them, to forget my problems. I must snap out of it. Once I say that, they disappear. I know that they are hallucinations of my baby brothers who were killed by Sang Pemburu long ago while we were still cubs.
I can see the fence. I burst forward with my last bit of energy. I am only a few feet away from them. I hear their screams and shouts because they know I'm going to get away. Again. I prepare my huge, tired muscles for the huge leap I must make over the fence.
I jump up with the tiny portion of me that still has hope. I'm almost over the fence when I hear it. A very loud crack. One even more loud and defined then the rest of them. I feel a sharp pain in my left shoulder. It won't stop. It feels like fire. I crumble to the ground, sick with pain. The same red gooey liquid is all over me. My beautiful fur is smeared with it, my own blood.
I try to keep running. It's like running through molasses. I can now feel the burning feeling in my paws and legs. I know I must get farther in so I have more protection. I crawl down into this little crevice in the tree roots. Then the realization hits me. I've been shot with death. Then everything falls into darkness.

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⏰ Ultima actualizare: Feb 27, 2017 ⏰

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