The little one (10 minute play comedy script)

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Suzy (about to yell for mom but king Ricky covers her mouth)

King- ok, ok you can play

Suzy-yay! Thank you you're the best older brother ever (HUGS HIM)

MOM-Hey Ricky

Ricky-yes mom!

MOM- tell your friends that pizza rolls are ready!

King -pizza rolls!

(Everyone but Suzy lifts their weapon and yells out hazah)


(Out side preparing for battle making the final preparations)

Wizard-you have asked for my presence my king

King- yes, great wise wizard is every thing ready

Wizard-I don't know

King-you don't know

Wizard-that's correct.

(King sighs, face Palm)

Suzzy-hey Ricky, who am I, i look like some kind of weirdo wearing striped pants

King- because you are stand in the back and get out of my way

Suzy- (suzy folds arms looks like she is about to cry) but you said that I can play.

King-you are playing it's just you are the royal fool and they are supposed to be in the back.


(Dred lord comes in)

King-well, well, well look who it is

Dread lord-yes! It is I the dread lord (lights flickering thunder strike sound) .........the lord of darkness and everything evil and the true supier weapon of all time.

Suzy- wow! You must a billgillion years old.

Dread lord- NO,No I'm not, I'm perfectly good age, Now where was I?

(Hitch men whispers in ear)

Dread lord-oh yes the being that spread all chaos all over the world with my level 100 manna for my dark and evil powers.

Suzy-well that's cool in all but my brother says we are going to win so (touge face)

Dread lord-no we are going to win


Draedlord- yes we are

Suzy- don't think so

Dread lord-well I would love to keep fighting with your fool but I have a battle to win so see ya king dorko and (while poking Suzy) and little one viper squad role out (dread lord along with his goon(s) make slithering sounds)

King-I really hate that guy


King- I don't need to say a long speech, because we all know how much we hate this guy.

Wizard- yea we hate him a lot

King- this year is our turn lets defeat him and retrieve our dignity

Wizard-yea get our dignity back guys

(King stares down wizard)

Wizard- ill shut up now

King-now rise,on my mark

The little one (10 minute play comedy script)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя