Chapter 6

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Adrianna could not believe what just happened. She was simply trying to tell Malcolm that she did not want to be with him, next thing she knows she's on the ground holding the side of her face.

"You... you crazy bastard! How could you?!"

Her shaky index finger touched her lip then she looked at the blood.

"How could you not want to be with me Adrianna?! Do you know how much court side tickets cost? Do you know how expensive fine dinning is? We're not talking a dollar for a burger, we're talking one hundred dollars per person! I've spend damn near three thousand on you in the four months we've been dating Adrianna. You aren't leaving me."

"Money isn't everything!" Adrianna stood up. "Money doesn't rule me. If you want your money back I will pay you back. I don't like when people do shit for me then throw it up in my face. And you sho' hell ain't finna start puttin' ya hands on me. I am done with you Malcolm. You are a punk ass coward."

She tried to walk past him but he grabbed her by her arm.and pulled her back.

"Y- You're hurting me! Let me go Malcolm! Why the fuck are you doing this?!"

"You ain't hurt yet. I suggest you sit at this table and continue eating. The sunset looks nice, doesn't it?"

He pushed her towards the table.

"So basically you are trying to tell me that I can't break up with you? Nah you got me fucked up. If I can't leave on my own I'll just call someone to come help with that. I be damned if I put up with this dumb shit."

She pulled her phone out and dialed three numbers.

"Nine one one, what is your emerg-"

Malcolm grabbed her phone and threw it as hard as he could at the ground. While he wa distracted, Adrianne took off running.

She didn't even get halfway to her car before he caught up with her. He grabbed her by her hair and drug her into the house. She may have been screaming at the top of her lungs, but no one could hear her. The closest houses were at least three miles away.

"Malcolm please let me go! It doesn't have to be this way. We can still be friends."

"No, I can't do that." He laughed. "I can't let you go because you just fucked up. I think it's about time that I punish you."

"Punish me? I am not five and you are not my d-"

He grabbed her by her hair again and led her upstairs to his bedroom. He pushed her to the ground then walked away. Her heart almost stopped when he came out the closet with a gun in his hand.

"M- M-"

He chuckled and walked over to her. His hand clamped around her neck and he dug his fingers into her skin. He stuffed the gun in her mouth causing her to gag.

"You are mine Adrianna. It was love at first sight. I fucking love you. If you ever try some shit like that again, you will be murdered. Oh, but that's not even the fun part. Before I murder you, you'll have to watch as I murder your family. I'll murder any one of those muthafuckas! Your mother, the little bastard your sister has, your sister, your granny. You don't want that, do you?"

"No!" She whispered through her tears.

"That's my baby. Now it's time for me to turn you into a true woman and claim what's mine."

As I sat on the floor beside the bed, Malcolm came into the room.

"Here. You been good the past few days so I got you something baby."

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