Blood in the Mud

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The sky is a dusty pink when we finally reach our camp. Lucia and Dyota are sitting next to a fire while Lucia pokes at the fire with a stick. She smirks at us. “Well there you two are. We were wondering what happened.”

William sets me down and I walk over to our little tent and change into a tunic and leggings.

“Where’s Edric?” I hear William ask.

“Hunting.” Lucia replies. “He left about an hour ago. He should be back soon.”

I change and sit by the fire and help Dyota with the stew when Edric walks back with rabbits slung over his shoulder. “I got food!” He beams. He and William skin the animals and start cooking it before putting it in the stew. William drops down onto the log next to me and I smile. He grabs my hand and presses soft kiss to my palm. 

“So how did it go?” Dyota asks as she spoons stew into wooden bowls. 

Wiliam glances at me. “It went perfectly.”

Edric laughs. “You should have seen the look on the boy’s face when Eva grabbed his sword and swung at him!”

“I think yelling ‘Long Live the Shadows!’ in French was a nice touch.” Lucia grins at me. The light from the fire flickers basking us all in a orange glow. I smile back at her.

“I thought it was fitting since I was passing myself off as French royalty.” I giggle.

“Well you did great Lass.” William says. We eat our rabbit stew with some of the bread, cheese Edric managed to steal from the wedding feast along with some wine and jeweled goblets.  After we eat, Edric and William recall the entire scene with theatrics making all of us laugh. 

Not too long after, we put out our fire and receded into our tents. I was the first inside mine and William’s tent. I was  fixing our blankets  when William comes up behind me. He hugs me from behind and kisses my temple. “I have a small gift for you.” He whispers. I turn around to face him, smiling. 

“Really? What is it?”

He reaches into the pouch attached to his belt and holds it up. In the slight moonlight, I make out the moonstone and sapphire amulet. “Oh my….”I start to say as he hands it to me. I look at the jewelry in my hand in awe. “It’s beautiful! Where did you get it?”

“Let’s just call it a…wedding present.” He chuckles. I wrap my arms around his neck and run my hand through the hair on the back of his head before pressing my lips against his. His arms encircle me as he kisses back. I pull away for a moment catching my breath. “Help me put it on?” I whisper.

“Of course.” He says in a husky whisper. I hand the amulet to him and turn around. I hold my hair up as he drapes it around my neck and fumbles with the clasp. The warmth of his hand on my neck sends shivers down my spine. After fastening the necklace I feel his fingertips graze over my shoulders.  On my right side, his hands slides the fabric off my shoulder. My breathing becomes ragged as a warmth rushes through me. I feel his breath near my neck, then his lips gently touch the sensitive part where my neck and shoulder meet. I close my eyes as his lips slowly move down my shoulder to my upper back.  All the while, his hands have slipped down to undo my belt. It’s tossed to the side and hand hands under my tunic. I turn around to face him. I’m pulled into the intense heat in his blue eyes. My lips find his and the heat I feel engulfs me. Before I know it, we’re lying together beneath the blankets with our limbs tangled together. I let out a content sigh as I gentle run my fingers over his strong forearm as his arm is hooked under mine as he holds me. My back is to his chest and I feel the warmth of his breath on my neck. 

“I wish every night was like this…” I whisper into the darkness.

I listen to his breathing and wonder if he’s still awake when answers in a low whisper. “It can be, Lass.” 

Betrayal (Shadow Hunters Trilogy #1) *COMPLETE*Where stories live. Discover now