👑Chapter 8👑

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"Alex, I know your in here" Eddie? Why is Eddie in here? What did he want? "Alex please come out."

"Eddie what do you want?" I say struggleing to breath.

"I just wanted to make sure your okay, it wasn't anything I said was it?" He saided really worried and guilty.

"No it wasn't" I could here his sigh of relief. "its just family stuff that's all" I could hardly talk from the tears that had burst out.

"Alex please come out, you may not believe me but I don't like it when others are downhearted, it makes me feel like I can do anything" after a few moments of thought i unlocked the door and walked out. "You know if you want to talk about it I'm here, and I really am sorry for being such a jerk before." I nodded at him and gave him a weak smile.

"You know your girlfriend is really protective of you" I said walking to the mirror and whipping the tears that had fallen down my cheek, I turn my attention to him and see a confused look on his face "you know brown hair, brown eyes that could kill someone from her glare. Really* tall"

"Alex, I don't have a girlfriend but I think I know who you are talking about, her names Alice and shes had a major crush on me since I started hear a few years ago and she keeps following me around, one time I found her in my garden looking up at my window" He shivered at the memory, okay I've got to stay away from her. "Why what did she say to you?" his face suddenly turned to one of anger and frustration. Why was he acting so pissed on the subject surrounding if she had said something bad to me.

After a moment of hesitation I begin to speak "She said that I should stay away from you and that if I don't I will regret it" I said, this only makes him more frustrated , he looked like he was going to walk out of this restroom and strangle someone. but before he could do anything I changed the subject in a haste "we should probably get back to class, the teacher is going to kill us for walking out." we both walked out of the restroom together and into class, I automatically look towards Kian and his face is full of worry and anger, he must have thought that Eddie said something to me to make me so upset. I shake my head at him and he relaxes. We both sit down and Eddie smiles at me which strangely makes me feel light inside, maybe he wasn't the boy I had met less then an hour ago but was kind and considerate. My thought was suddenly interrupted by Mr Taylors voice.

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