👑Chapter 1👑

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"Look at yourself Alexandra, you look just like your mother" My dad said from behind me, I turn to look in the mirror and he was right I did look like my mother. She had died last spring when the flowers bloomed because of an assassination I had been 15 then and had suffered from depression after her death, but I'm better now because of all the help I had. I had her blonde hair and my fathers golden eyes, I was known as the most beautiful young women in England according to my people. I was the next ruler of England after today, most girls dreamt about there wedding day but I found it hard because I didn't even know my future husband, we had never met, I don't know his name or what he looks like. I look at myself and see the formal white wedding dress, it went to the ground and the straps hung of my shoulders revealing my pale complexion. My blond hair falling past my shoulders and my eyes sanding out because of the makeup I had on. "She would be so proud of the women you have become" I didn't have to look at him to know that he was downhearted, I could hear it in his voice. My father had always watched over me the best he could. He taught me how to horse ride and how to fight. Which was necessary for princesses In case of assassinations or wars.

I turn around to see that my father was crying, I hug him because I know that he loved my mother dearly and I was a reminder of her absence. "please father stop crying, today is supposed to be a happy day" I say trying my best not to cry with him because if I did it would take another ten minutes to re do my make up, which would make us late because the ceremony is in five minutes time.

He lets go of me and wipes away his tears that had rolled down his cheek. My father was one of the braves and strongest people I know but when it comes to his emotions he was a wreck. "I'm sorry darling, its just that your mother had planned this wedding since the day you was born and now the time has come she's not here." he says to me.

"Of course she's here father, she's always been with us" I say with a reassuring voice

"O look at the time, we have two minutes to get there, we cant have the bride late now can we" He takes my hand and begins to guide me to the main hall where the wedding takes place. He must have seen the worried look on my face and gives my hand a reassuring squeeze "don't worry love. iv met the boy and he is very charming, and not bad on the eyes" he says as we both begin to laugh but suddenly I hear a loud ear piercing scream coming from the hall, I run towards the room and notice that there was bodies all over the floor, blood surrounding them. With out thinking I find myself running towards my aunt, her purple dress covered in thick blood and kneel down to her, I couldn't scream.

The Runaway Royals. Completed (Book One)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora