"No promises. You snooze you lose." I chuckled at myself, picking up a roll and took a bite while opening the fridge and pulled out the milk. "Is anybody coming over today?"

"No, it's just us. What's Bella doing?"

"Going to her aunt's I believe. I was going to invite her here if it was ok, but I knew she'd probably be going somewhere. There's only three of them. She's coming over Sunday though."

"Good. I'm excited to see her."

"She's really excited too. She wants to make cookies."

"No. Do not let her make anything. She is a guest. We're just having fun food anyway."

"What? No! Let her!" Jazzy said and sat up. "I love cookies!"

"I'll see what I can do." I whispered, winking at her before I finished the rest of my cinnamon roll.

I had been with Bella a few hours the other night, and I left around midnight. I couldn't stay in her room - especially if her Dad was going to be there in the morning.

We just talked for a while, and she laughed, falling asleep before I left.

But it's not like I just left when she fell asleep. I told her I would, and I laid with her until she did.

I was taking her out to breakfast on Monday, and then she left Tuesday night. I wanted her all day before she left.

At least I had a month with her for Christmas break. That would be fun. I could take her to an ice skating rink, and on New Years Eve we could go out. I'd make sure we'd do a lot while she was here.

As for everything else, I was working for Grant again. Almost all day on Tuesdays when I had off, then everyday after school besides Fridays and Saturdays, and Sundays they were closed.

I'd have money for Christmas, I'd keep paying for my classes. I really had to conserve the money in my savings account. I'd never know when I could need it, in the future, for classes, to see Bella...it was money I had earned doing jobs I wasn't proud of. Hell a lot of it was in a safe in my closet so no one would pick up on the huge amounts of money being placed in an account.

I was ready to earn my own money again, I wanted to buy Bella a ring for Christmas, I wanted to get my parents things and Jazzy and Jaxon stuff too. I just finally wanted to be proud of something I was doing.

Thanksgiving would be awesome this year. It was the first time in three years I was in this house for Thanksgiving- five since it had been us together as I family.

I was so excited, and honestly it might be best if Bella wasn't here, not that I didn't love her, I do, it's just...a real holiday back with my family.

It was something I never expected to have again.


4:23 PM

Thanksgiving had gone great. I got to see my little cousins, and I ate a little bit of turkey, but I was the type to only have that, mashed potatoes, and a roll on my plate. I never stuffed my face for Thanksgiving.

Friday was spent with Jackie going shopping and sitting down to coffee - in the same place where Justin and I had our first date. The place seemed so sentimental now, not only to him because of his mom, but now me.

I had sat in the same booth, same side and looked out the window, then back at her as we talked, explaining what had been happening with me, some new music I had written. I realized along the way how much I missed her - home. High school even.

Tempted (#Wattys2015)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora