Chapter Fourteen: Dr. McAllen

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Iris's POV:


I've been here for a week, and Will has visited every day. He's read to me, brought movies, and sometimes we just talk. I'm extremely grateful to have a friend in all of this mess.

Aaron hasn't visited since that day, and for some reason that really hurts. I'm furious he hit me, because I thought the only person that would ever hurt me was my aunt.

I guess I was wrong.

Now, Will says, "You okay, Iris? You look down."

"Well," I laugh bitterly, "I am stuck in a hospital, your best friend is a jerk-off, and I'm really tired."

"Why's Aaron a jerk-off?" he asks curiously.

Sighing, I reply, "No reason. But can I sleep?"

"Yes," he allows. "I'll sleep in the chair here----"

"No," I cut him off, feeling angry and confused. I don't know why. "I want to be alone."

"Okay," he says, looking sad. "How 'bout I pick you up tomorrow when it's time for you to be discharged?"

"Sure," I brighten a bit.

"See you."

He leaves, and I lay my aching head on the scratchy surface of a hospital pillow. I sigh and fall into a sleep full of nightmares.


Will's POV:


I swear under my breath. I left my wallet in there! I get out of my car, which is still in the hospital parking lot, and walk up the stairs to the front doors. I'm extremely agitated.

Why was Iris being so harsh? I ponder as I press the button for the elevator. What was her problem?

My wolf's voice in my head nags, She's in the hospital for trying to commit suicide, dumbass. Why do you think she's upset?

Oh, yeah. Why did she try to anyway?

There's no answer. Neither of us know.

Oh, well. The elevator comes, and I'm all alone. I ride in silence.

Once I'm outside Iris's room, I hear noises. And there's someone in there. I get ready to swing open the door when I realize Iris is making the noises.

And the person watching is Dr. McAllen.

I watch as he stares at her sleeping body, which is thrashing and screaming. She's having nightmares. I note the scene, confused.

I can hear her. Shes screaming, "Aunt Gillian, stop! Stop, please, please! Just stop!"

Aunt Gillian....? Oh, God, that's that creepy chick who came out of the room, looking furious. Pretty normal, if you ask me. She looked like your average mom, with blonde hair, green eyes, and a large smile. If there just wasn't that....

.....look in her eyes.

It was as if she could murder someone with we bare hands and get away with it. It was crazed, animalistic even. It scared me to death, and I'm a big, bad werewolf.

I watch as a tear falls down the doctor's stubbled cheek. What's up with that? He was always protective of her, but this? This is just too weird.

I'm going to find out why Iris is having nightmares of this Aunt Gillian. And I'm going to find out why Dr. McAllen loves Iris so much.


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