Chapter Four: Black Eye

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Aaron's POV:


I am early to class the next day, waiting for her impatiently. I know she is my mate, because I had smelled roses and peaches when I saw her. My grandmother had a perfume like that when she was still alive.

I loved it.

Finally, Iris comes stumbling into class, muttering a hasty apology to the teacher.

Then, she turns around. She is sporting a few dark bruises and a black eye. A long white bandage conceals something on the left side of her face.

As she walks over to her seat, I grab her skinny wrist. "What the hell happened to you?"

She takes my protectiveness as rudeness. "None of your business."

She attempts to wrench her arm out of my grasp, but I won't allow it. I can tell this much touch is making her nervous---I just don't know why.

"What happened?"

"Fine," Iris sighs wearily, unable to fight anymore. She looks very, very tired. "I was mugged."

"What?" I growl, my wolf coming out. I can feel my canines elongating. "Who? When?"

"I don't know. He just roughened me up a bit, that's all. I really am fine."

I could tell in her eyes she was lying. I just didn't know why she was lying.

"Okay," I allow, shoving my wolf out of the way. I couldn't bear it if I hurt my mate. "Just---are you okay?"

She looked surprise that I asked. "Yeah, uh, thanks. Why are so worried, anyway?"

Because you're my mate, I wanted to say. Instead, I play off my nervousness as a lazy curiosity. "Eh, just wondering."

Her happiness for someone caring dims down a little. "Oh."

I immediately curse myself. "Well, see ya."


She walks away, tripping over her dainty feet. Oh, God, I'm whipped.


Iris's POV:


I don't understand. For a moment, Aaron looked like he was about to burst. His eyes had a fire in them that I had seen in my aunt's.

Then, he just acted as if he didn't care. Bipolar, much?

"Hey," that Will fellow grabs my arm and whispers into my ear, "Meet me after school in the library. I have to ask you something."

I mumble an "okay" and stumble out of his grip. I head to the seat I was going to take yesterday. Luckily, it's empty.

I get through class with no unfortunate events, thanks to my seat. No one paid attention to me. A few boys checked me out, but that was no biggie.

School is boring and interesting at the same time. My classes are normal, but everyone at school is whispering and looking at me oddly. I am so confused.

And then, when I'm about to head home, I remember how Will asked me to meet him in the library. I think about ditching, but sigh and walk towards it.

As I head to the back table, I hear him say behind me, "Thanks for meeting me."

"Yeah," I say suspiciously. "What did you want, anyway?"

"Do you want to go out?"


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