Too Much for a Dream

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*Part 2*

Before Naruto go to the battle area for the last stage of the chunin exam, he goes to his usual training ground. Little did anyone knows that their loud-mouth-over-confidence brat Uzumaki Naruto is feeling very nervous and anxious for the upcoming battle. He didn't see her at first 'cause he's too wrapped up in his own thought until she calls him.


"eh, Hinata? What are you doing here?" he gave her his trademark grin.

"I-I should be t-the one asking. Wh-what are y-you doing here?" her stuttering is surely cute though. 'wait, what the heck am I thinking just now? I didn't say that she's cute rite? I mean I only have eyes on Sakura-chan rite?' once again Naruto so caught up in his mind.

"Na-Naru-to-kun? Are you okay?" Hinata's voice bring him back from his deep thought.

"Well, you see Hinata.. Actually I'm not so sure about this final round for the exam. I'm just not that confidence that I can beat Neji." Naruto finally decided to open up a little with Hinata.

'I dunno why am I telling this to her. I really don't like it when people pitied me. But, Hinata is somehow different. I just get the feeling that I can trust her. Even in my vulnerable state like now.' Naruto's mind is wandering again.

"You can do it, Na-Naruto-kun. I believe it." Hinata's sudden outburst really caught Naruto off guard.

"Hey, Hinata. Do you really think that I'm strong? Cause I may appear strong to you but it's actually because I act so tough all the time but I really frustrated when I failed." Naruto said while looking at the ground, unsure of himself at the moment.

"That's not true, even when you're failed in my eyes you're a proud failure. Whenever I looked at you, I get this intense feeling in my heart because you are not perfect. When you fall, you've got the strength to get up and I believe it's the true strength and you are a strong person Naruto-kun." Naruto was dumbfounded at Hinata's little speech.

'I never thought that there's someone who actually acknowledge me besides Iruka-sensei. Ureshi~naaa (did I spell it right?)' Naruto thought happily.

"Na-Naruto-kun?" 'ah, there she goes again.. stuttering all the time. huh, that's something she should working on. it's cute though.' Naruto only gives her a sheepish grin.

"Ah, Hinata. You know what? I thought that you were a plain shy weirdo, but a person like you. I really lilke." said Naruto when he turns his back to leave. But then he stops after 7 steps and said "nah Hinata, make sure you watch me beat the crap out of Neji ~ ttebayo." Then Naruto took off to the arena.

Then the dream scenes changed to the day Akatsuki invaded Konoha.

Konoha village was completely shattered down to the ground. Literally. Just because the Akatsuki came and looking for Naruto but he's not in the village at the moment so they destroyed Konoha just to make him come out.

After Naruto came and fight Pain for a while, it seems like Naruto is going to lose the battle. Pain already stabbed him with several metal sticks to the ground and he was ready to kill Naruto when a sudden voice appeared.


"Oi, Hinata! Why you came here? You're no match for him." said Naruto in completely shock.

"I know Naruto-kun." 'Seems like Naruto-kun can't move because of those stick. I need to get it off of him.' Then she take a roundhouse kick to pull the sticks. She only manage to took off one of it though. When she was about to kick the second stick, Pain attacks her. She was flee about 77 feet to the air, then fall directly to the ground. Yet, she still able to move to Naruto's place even though she's crawling.

"Hinata, please go. Go far away from here. I can't do anything now, please just go." Naruto begged Hinata to left him there. Yet, she answered him, well more like confessing to him "I always cry even before I tried. I was unsure of myself and always lack of confidence. But you showed me the right way. Your smile changed me. I always watching you, wanting to overtake you, I just wanted to walked with you. I wanted to be with you and fight by your side. And I'm not afraid dying to protect you." she hang her words for a moment then continued.

"Because.. I love you Naruto-kun"

And once again Pain lift her to the air like she was a mere fly that get in his way and thrown her to the ground. Then he stabbed her.

Present time~

Naruto POV


"Gebrakk dukdakdukk.."

"Auch! That's hurt as hell ~ ttebayo!" I was falling from my bed. A very good way to wake up. Heck. Then my door is forcefully open by someone and I hear a scream

"Naruto!! Are you okay?"


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See ya in the next chappie :)

Btw, the pict's credit for the owner of ig id 😊

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