Ch. 8 its amazing, just perfect

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*Kaydes pov*
•at Ace's house•

"This isn't that far from my pack house" I said as we walked through his house to his room. He turned around to me smiling "really wow I didn't expect a pack house to live so far back here in the woods" he said while playing with my fingers to the hand he was holding. "Kayde can you help me unpack some of my things? You don't have to if you don't want to it's just my ribs are still not fully healed being a omega and all." He rambled looking up at me with puppy eyes.I can't ever win anything when someone gives me the puppy eyes. "Yea ill help, you don't have a lot of things as it is" I frowned knowing everyone in his pack have twice as much as he's got for free when he paid for all his stuff himself."I know but thanks for helping anyways" he said while hugging me gently. I chuckled and picked up one of the three suitcases seeing it was a blanket,pillow, and a few clothes.
•thirty minutes later•
"There last poster" I said staring at the large 'TØP' poster as he finished putting a smaller 'greenday' poster up. " it's amazing, just perfect." He sighed staring at the wall of posters,drawing, and signed band shirts. I hugged him from behind making him jump a bit then relaxed as I put my head on his shoulder. " so are you Ace" I whispered softly kissing his cheek " not as hot as you though." He laughed a little smiling and turning around in my arms. " it's hot in here I need to change out of this long sleeve now that we're not in public" he said making me sad. Iknow he's wearing the long sleeves to cover the scars but he's still beautiful no matter what. I smiled when he came from the bathroom with no shirt on. He noticed me staring and tried to hide the nipple piercings he's got. "Mm that's really hot I didn't know my mate was into that" I said smirking at the word mate. He blushed while putting a hand over him chest. " I know a cousin of mine helped me pierce them when I was 14" he said making my eyes raise curious how he kept them from ripping when he got beat by that God awful alpha. I decided to get my mind off that part " Really 14? How bout the bridge of your nose?" I asked curious. He smiled and his eyes showed a brightness I've seen before when I first met him. "Me and Alpha Marks son,who was my best friend at the time, went to get tattoos and he got a tattoo of his kids name on his shoulder and a lip ring that he refuses to wear now" he said smiling softly. "I got the bridge of my nose.a tattoo of mom and dads name on each shoulder with mine and Moonshines name in the middle at I was 15." He said quickly while turning around showing me the tattoos. I traced the faded black and blue lettering and scars around it. "It's beautiful Ace" I said pulling him into my lap as he played 'a match into water by PTV' on his I pod. I held his hands kissing the claw, whip, and belt burn scars on his back and shoulders. "What about you Kayde, when did you pierce your nose and get your first tattoo?" He asked leaning against my chest. I kisses his cheek and laced our fingers," well I was with Neon on his 19th birthday and took him to get one of his many tattoos finished. He said that I looked to naked and I needed at least one tattoo and s piercing. So after a mini argument I decided to get one and my nose pierced" he chuckled making me smile."and well the tattoo wh*Kaydes pov*
•at Ace's house•

"This isn't that far from my pack house" I said as we walked through his house to his room. He turned around to me smiling "really wow I didn't expect a pack house to live so far back here in the woods" he said while playing with my fingers to the hand he was holding. "Kayde can you help me unpack some of my things? You don't have to if you don't want to it's just my ribs are still not fully healed being a omega and all." He rambled looking up at me with puppy eyes.I can't ever win anything when someone gives me the puppy eyes. "Yea ill help, you don't have a lot of things as it is" I frowned knowing everyone in his pack have twice as much as he's got for free when he paid for all his stuff himself."I know but thanks for helping anyways" he said while hugging me gently. I chuckled and picked up one of the three suitcases seeing it was a blanket,pillow, and a few clothes.
•thirty minutes later•
"There last poster" I said staring at the large 'TØP' poster as he finished putting a smaller 'greenday' poster up. " it's amazing, just perfect." He sighed staring at the wall of posters,drawing, and signed band shirts. I hugged him from behind making him jump a bit then relaxed as I put my head on his shoulder. " so are you Ace" I whispered softly kissing his cheek " not as hot as you though." He laughed a little smiling and turning around in my arms. " it's hot in here I need to change out of this long sleeve now that we're not in public" he said making me sad. Iknow he's wearing the long sleeves to cover the scars but he's still beautiful no matter what. I smiled when he came from the bathroom with no shirt on. He noticed me staring and tried to hide the nipple piercings he's got. "Mm that's really hot I didn't know my mate was into that" I said smirking at the word mate. He blushed while putting a hand over him chest. " I know a cousin of mine helped me pierce them when I was 14" he said making my eyes raise curious how he kept them from ripping when he got beat by that God awful alpha. I decided to get my mind off that part " Really 14? How bout the bridge of your nose?" I asked curious. He smiled and his eyes showed a brightness I've seen before when I first met him. "Me and Alpha Marks son,who was my best friend at the time, went to get tattoos and he got a tattoo of his kids name on his shoulder and a lip ring that he refuses to wear now" he smiled softly while talking." I got the bridge of my nose and a tattoo on each shoulder of mom and dads name. Then in the middle mine and Moonshines name all when I was 15" he turned so I can see his back. I traced the slightly blue and black faded lettering "it's beautiful Ace." He smiled and nodded " well what about you Kayde when did you get your nose pierced and your first tattoo?" He asked curious. I laughed a the memory "well it was Neons 19th birthday day so I took him to get one of his Many tattoos touched up.He yells at me telling me I look naked with plain skin so after a ten minute argument I got my nose pierced and a tattoo." He giggled at my story while playing with my fingers. I smiled "the tattoo is a Pierce The Veil quote 'maybe I'll pretend now but I swear to god I'll change the world' with the skull and a rose above it." I said taking off my shirt and showing him he smiled wide tracing the cursive words. "I guess Neon just knew I would get addicted to tattoos after that cause now I'm covered " I said laughing a little bit looking at my sleeves and knuckle tattoos covering most of my skin."your beautiful Kayde" ace whispered softly kissing my cheek. " so are you love. Now let's lay down I'm kinda tired" he said pulling his large galaxy blanket over us. He snuggles to my chest as I kissed his forehead "sleep well little one" I whispered closing my eyes to listen to his breathing. I wrapped my arms over him carful of his ribs and fell asleep to is softly beating heart.

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