Chapter 9

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"Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that." -Martin Luther King Jr.

Toni woke up with the biggest smile on her face. She turned over to see Dylan sleeping soundly. She planted a soft kiss on his nose and he woke up.

"Good both of you." He said putting his hand on her stomach.

"Dyl, I'm not pregnant yet." She laughed.

"It doesn't hurt to dream."

"Yeah well..." she trailed off as her eyes widened. She quickly got up and ran to to the bathroom.

"Babe what's wro-" he was cut off by the sound of her gagging and throwing up in the toilet. He smirked he knew he was right. She brushed her teeth and came back.

"That's the third time this week. I think I caught that stomach virus Tamar had." She said getting back in bed.

"Or morning sickness. Like from pregnancy?"

"I'm not pregnant."

He smiled, "We don't know that my love."

"Fine. I'll take a test."

"Good...I think it's a girl." He said rubbing her stomach. Toni shook her head as she turned on the TV.

"Are you ready for tonight?" She said. It's the first Tuesday in November meaning; Election Night.


"It's okay, I know you're gonna win."

"It's not that. I just feel like... I don't know."



She was about to get up but he pulled her back down. "Can we just lay here?" He asked. She nodded as they laid back down. They snuggled into each other and drifted off to sleep.

2 hours later Dylan woke up and got ready for another meeting before the election. He stared at a sleeping Toni before taking off his dog tag necklace and putting it around her neck.

That first day back from the army he met the most beautiful girl he'd ever seen. Who knew they'd be married all these years later.

He smiled before kissing her forehead and leaving.

He smiled before kissing her forehead and leaving

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Toni got up an hour later. She knew Dylan left for work so she decided to just chill for the day.

While she was walking around the house she notice the pearl necklace that took her to Alabama. She grabbed it hoping that she could just put it in a jewelry box without time traveling. Unfortunately, that didn't work.

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