Chapter Forty-Nine

Start from the beginning

I took a quick peek of Bri on the glass part of the door, seeing her laying on that kind of bed with oxygen mask makes me feel uncomfortable. I just sat on the waiting room, alone since the boys are still mad at me. Sitting there, hoping for Bri to wake up. I feel like crying right now.

I just covered my face with my hands, trying to let my tears all out. Suddenly I felt someone poking my shoulder, I lit my face up and it's the boys. 

"Hey.." Louis quietly said, sitting beside me. "You had the guts to tell us about Brianna eh, even though you know we're mad at you??"

I just didn't speak, I don't want any fights again. So I left it in a complete silent to be better.

"We're proud of you"

They suddenly pulled me closer to them for a group hug, and to be honest some tears were shed. 

"I'm sorry" I breathe out, hugging them all tightly. It feels to be good being forgave by your brothers again and I regret all of it. All of the things I did wrong for the boys. 

"It's okay Haz, we understand" Liam said and we all let go. We all looked at each other for a minutes then laughed after. I looked back and saw a doctor coming towards us. I ran to him quickly, I hope Bri is okay.

"Doctor, please tell me she's okay" I asked holding my hands together. The boys were behind me, asking the same thing.

"She's okay, she's just been knocked out. Good thing she didn't cut the veins, if she did she'll be dead. But she did cut deep though, but for now you can visit her in her room. She's been moved to Room 214" the doctor said and I shook his hand. I was glad when she's okay. I quickly run in the elevator, pressing floor 6, since the room I need to go is there. Oh shit the boys! I stopped the elevator from closing and I saw them all standing there, in front of me.

"Go on Hazz, she need you" Niall said smiling, me nodding. I let my hand go from the elevator door and let it close. I waited, till I got there and for that bell ring. Once I got there, I quickly  stepped out of the elevator and search for Room 214.

"210..211...212" I whispered to myself, looking on each number doors have. When I reaches Room 14, I stood in front of it for a moment. Thinking what would she do if she saw me again. I took a step closer to it, putting my hand on the door knob. Slowly turning it and opening the door, I took a peek. Seeing her sleeping, with wires around her. I stepped in to the room, closing the door behind me.

 "Bri.." I said weakly, grabbing a chair and putting in beside her bed. Slowly sitting on it, holding her hand. Kissing the back of it, as a tear slid to my face. I wanted to see her again, smiling, talking to me once again. 

Brianna's POV


I slowly opened my eyes, scanning the room I'm in. Wait, am I at a hospital? Why are there wires around me? I quickly sat up, and I saw there was a person beside me sleeping. That curly locks of hair, Harry. I shook him lightly on his shoulder.

"Harry.. wake up" I said. He then lit his head up and looked at me, well he still have a little droll on the edge of his mouth.

"Bri you're awake!" he shouted happily, smiling. He quickly got up from his chair and hugged me, I just hugged him back. Wrapping my arms around his neck, while his hand on my waist. He then slowly got off of me, smiling so cheekily. Like he just saw a unicorn of something rare.

"You look so happy.." I said smiling weakly, quickly fading it. I look at my wrist and It's been covered with bandages. 

"Well yeah, seeing you awake will make me happy enough." he said and I just nodded. I remembered why I cut, I remembered it all. "Why did you even cut in the first place?"

 I didn't reply to his question, I just sat there, looking at my hand. Suddenly I felt his thumb on my lower chin, lifting up my head.

"You know I love you.. More than Kendall. Look she forced me to do it, but I thought about you that's why I stopped her" he explained, everything. I looked at him in his green, emerald eyes. His face was suddenly getting closer to mine, leaning slowly. Suddenly, I felt his soft, pink lips connected to mine. Kissing me passionately, there goes my butterflies again. But it was just a quick kiss, since I'm in this situation right now.

I heard someone knocked on the door, Harry opened the door to check who is it. Suddenly the boys came in with foods.

"Coddy!!!" Louis shouted jumping on me (not literally), hugging me. "Oh Coddy, I'm so happy you're awake!!"

"Hey Louis get off of her" Liam demanded him and he did what he was told. Louis sat on the chair alone, pouting, saying something I guess. "What was that?"

"Nothing!" Louis shouted, crossing his arms and looked at the other way. He never changed.

"PIZZA!!!" Niall shouted raising his hands up. Jumping up and down all over the room, and there we have Liam, being the parent of this white girl. (hahaha)

And Zayn, well playing something in his PSP. Sitting alone, while eating some pizza.

Well this do bring back some memories, the memories where we all are having a great time together like before, the time they act when I first met them. 

And my most unforgettable moment is when I actually fell in love.. 

I miss this...



Helloww!! XD Well, Starting tomorrow I'll be editing this book for now.. Making it better :3 So, it looks like I'll be updating in a very long time :3 Sorryyy for thatt

 Oh and I bet you all heard there will be a new fanfic eh?

It's a Liam Payne one..

I know I said it in a chaoter I guess.. 

but.. New Title, New Story

It'll be out on March 1.. but Maybe I'll start updating on March 20 xD Cause y'know... Graduating ._,

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