Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Chapter 28•

Niall's POV

Oh my god. I never knew that she will be Brianna's best friend


I am at a famous restaurant named 'Eleven Madison Park' the food there is so delicious and i think i cant remember my name anymore because of it's deliciousness. When I was eating, I saw a cute girl that looks like we have the same age and she wears a floral light blue dress then her hair has a cute bunny ribbon that matches her dress then she wears a 6 inches shoes I think and she is so pretty.

I keep trying to eat peacefully but she keep getting my attention. But I finished my food and pay for the food and leave the restaurant.



"Dude why are you keep saying Chelsea?" Louis said patting my back, Eh what?? They can hear what i'm saying in my mind?

"Our little snowflake is inloveeee!!!" Louis shouted and smiling really big.

"W-what the hell a-are you talking about?" I said stuttering

"The Irish one is blushing ayieeeeeeeeee!!!" Louis said shouting

"Niall's in love?" Liam asked from the stairs


"Yeah he is!!! He's in love with that girl Chelsea!!" Louis said running to him.

"Niall's in love?? But why?! I thought we're together!!" Zayn said fake crying

"Shut up Zayn" I said.

They all keep saying 'The Irish is in love!' 'Ayieeee!!'

"Everyone Please Shut UP!!!!!" I shouted and they did all shut up

"What the hell is the ruckus about?" Harry asked coming from downstairs

"Ermmmm Nothing" Zayn said, So we all split up and do what we have to do.

Brianna's POV

 Tomorrow's the graduation, yes!! No more school! By the way, me and Chelsea finally arrived school. When we went inside the school, we saw some cameras and interviewers inside

"There she is!!" An interviewer shouted, Uh oh.

All of the interviewers ran to me and asked some questions

"Brianna! How's living with One Direction?"


"Have you fallen in love with someone yet?"

"Not rea-"

"Brianna!! Where is your Uncle, Simon Cowell?" Oh god pls help me.

 "Come with me"

I heard a familiar voice behind O.O someone suddenly grabbed my arm and pull me out of the crowd, I look up and saw




















"Nathan?" I asked while running

"Shhh!! I'm trying to help you" Nathan said continued running with me.

30 Minutes Later.....

The interviewer shit are still outside!!! Suddenly I feel my phone vibrate from my pocket, so I pick it up.

Me: Hello? -___-

Liam: Brianna! Are you okay there in school?

Me: Do you think I'll be okay when I'm being chased by some paparazzis? 

Liam: Oh.....Do you want us to pick you up there?

Me: YES!! I mean no. I'll be just fine here, I'm kinda safe now

Liam: Oh okay, come back home soon and safe

Me: Okay okay, bye!

I said and end up the call, Pheew!!

"Who's that?" Nathan asked


"Liam what?" Nathan asked again

"Liam Payne from One Direction" I said

''Oh okay" C'mon!! Get us out of here so I can breathe some fresh air!

Minutes later........

 The interviewers shit are gone! So me and Nathan opened the door slowly and took a peek, nope they're gone.

"I'm hungry!" Nathan whined

"C'mon let's go to the cafeteria" I said, so we run to the cafeteria

When we went in, people we're staring at us. We just ignore them and get our food, Ughhh!!! Everything we do, they're watching us. What are we the hottest people on earth?

"Bri, why are they looking at us like that?" Nathan asked

"I don't fucking know" I said  and continued eating.


You Made Me Love You » h.s fanfic MAJOR EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now