Chapter Five

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Chapter 5•

Brianna's POV

When I opened the door, I saw the curly hair boy sitting. I walk over to him, looking a bit nervous. Well of course you'll be nervous! You're gonna talk to a celebrity. What the hell am I thinking.

"Here have a seat" he said standing up from his chair and pulling the other chair back for me to sit.

Gentleman eh? So I sat down, him pushing it closer to the table. Now its getting awkward, so he broke the silent.

"Hey, you want some coffee?" He asked nicely.

"No it's okay, I'm fine" I said squeezing my jeans, blushing. He's quite handsome though, to be honest.  

"No it's okay, my treat" he said smiling cheekily.

"O-okay" I said stuttering. He called the waitress and ordered us both some coffee.

Soon our coffee had arrived. I quickly grabbed his phone from my pocket, handing it to him.

"Oh, I forgot here, your phone. Sorry again for bumping you yesterday" I said giving him his phone

"Its okay, here's yours too" He said handing mine. Once he got his phone someone called him

"Excuse me, I'm gonna take this" He said leaving the seat and went somewhere.

Harry's POV

"Hello babe, why did you call all of a sudden?" I asked through the phone.  

"Hey! where are you? The boys said that you're not home" My girlfriend said, sounding a bit angry.

"We will talk about this later babe. When I got home, okay, BYE!" I said ending up our conversation, hanging my phone up.

Oh, I forgot to introduce to you my girlfriend, Taylor Swift and yes she is a singer and famous like me. She's good in fans and she has a blonde hair. But I think this past few weeks she changed like she act so over protective and sometimes I caught her dreaming about other guys and flirting with them at the club or bar. I know I'm jealous at them but I'm just her boyfriend. I think she used to be friends with my close friend of mine, Ed Sheeran. This week she started to be closer with Ed but what can I do I'm just her boyfriend and I don't want  this to be the reason of our fight so I just let her do the things that she want. Well, back to the conversation with this  girl. I went back to my seat.

"Sorry, that was my-"

"Sorry but I gotta go... uh..." she said not knowing my name

"Harry"  I added

"Sorry but I gotta go, Thanks for the coffee anyway" She said leaving. I wanted to talk to her more, I didn't even get to know her name. Darn it!

I paid for the coffees and leave. When I reached home I saw the boys are all staring at me.

"So, how was the meet up?" Zayn said smiling.

"Great..." I said taking off my jacket and hanging it up to the hanger.  

"Harold!! Come here now!" Louis shouted pulling me on the couch "We gotta go talk about the gal!"

"So, is she pretty?" Liam said mocking me.

"Why are you all asking me this questions?!" I asked looking at them.

"JUST ANSWER!!!!" Louis shouts.

"Okay fine sheesh" I said sighing "Well, shes kinda pretty but...." I said looking down

"Whats with the buts?!" Niall said shouting

"She left early..." I said

"Awwww too bad for Harold" Zayn said rubbing my back.

"C'mon guys! Im with Taylor!" I said raising my eyebrow.

"But what if-" Louis was interrupted by the knock of the door. I quickly got up and opened it, I saw it was Taylor, my girlfriend.

"Harold Edward Styles we need to talk!" she said slamming the door

"What is it, babe?" I asked looking straight at her in the eyes. She looks kinda angry, I guess.

"Who's the girl you're with earlier today!?" She shouted.

"She was just uh.. fan" I said looking at her in the eyes.

"That's it Harry!! I dont wanna hear lies from you anymore!! We are never ever getting back together!" She said leaving. When I turn around I saw the boys smiling.

"We Are Never ever ever Getting back together!" they sang.

"Oh shut up!" I said going to my room upstairs. I quickly  sat on my bed and rest my head for a bit. She does really get jealous easily.

Brianna's POV

I quickly got home and went to my room.

"Hey sis, you okay?" Jill said shouting.

"Eh, Let's just play" Lottie said. I closed the door and hopped in my bed. Harry..... I searched the name in the internet, cause I think he was the curly one from the boy band One Direction.

And he was, I cant believe I talked to a celebrity without noticing he was. I'm such an idiot as ever, I closed my laptop and took a nap. Few hours later.... Dad woke me up for dinner, So I got up and went downstairs. I sat to the chair seeing my stepmom glaring at me.

"Where have you been this afternoon Brianna?" My stepmom asked.

"Uhmm.. I just went to my friend's house" I lied and we continued eating.

Once Im done eating, I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth and went to my room to open my Twitter. Once again, hates have arrived. I quickly reported them all, they just dont know it hurts me

"Hayzzz, when will this hate end?!" I said to myself. I just closed my laptop. I was thinking about that boy I just met up with. It just, makes me so curious. Never mind. Anyways, I just stopped thinking about him and changed into my Pj's and go to sleep.


Finally its morning!! I quickly got up seeing its 9:00. Good thing there's no classes today. When I went downstairs I saw it was a mess. I saw Lottie and Jill playing around, when I went to the kitchen I saw a note on the refrigerator and says:

"Brianna, honey... Me and your Stepmom are going to the Mall today, please take care of your sisters while we're out. Love you -Dad"

Great, now I'm gonna babysit them. I quickly cleaned up the mess they made, and let them play in the play room. After I'm done cleaning I sat in the couch to watch TV. I was changing the channels, as always. I saw a channel that caught my eyes.

"BREAKING NEWS: Celebrity Taylor Swift and Harry Styles broke up?!"

I recognize it was the boy that I met yesterday. I never thought he was dating Taylor Swift. Well, I just turned off the TV went back to my room and use my laptop

You Made Me Love You » h.s fanfic MAJOR EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now