Chapter Six: My Unicorns Are Shitting Rainbows. Like Seriously.

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"Whenever you decide to stop crying and all, you can let me know. Since it's an hour's drive to your place, I don't really look forward to dying in an incubator of silence," he said, flashing his patent half smile.

He closed the passenger door after me, and got into the driver's seat of his car. Okay, so this car was parked right in front of me, just about 4 feet away, but I did not assume it to be this grand or whatever until now. It was luxurious, but you wouldn't chance my knowledge about cars to ask me which one it was.

"Okay, well, if I do decide on not having you die in an incubator of silence, what do we do?" I questioned, raising both my eyebrows and shrugging in surrender mode.

"So someone out here, trusts someone so much that they totally believe that this someone is not a gangster who has abducted the other one and is going to some third world country where the other one will be coerced into slavery or something -- but will drop them safely home like a loyal driver, hypothetically of course. I wonder how, don't you?" he uttered a lot of nonsense, playfully.

"You're trying to show off, aren't you?" I half-smiled to myself and went on, "Well, so then hypothetically, does this someone assume the other one to be weak enough to be coerced into slavery without rebelling and breaking the hosts face? Now, that's really a long shot, isn't it?"

"But what if the other one's plain unlucky?" he asked, in a rather matter-of-factly way.

"You wish," I mumbled. "That is one improbable possibility in the Prodigious Life of mine. However, this is my best bet, sir. Rather, it is my only bet," I said, trying to look as serious as possible.

"I was in the notion that this was hypothetical stuff, but yeah, true story," he said, rubbing his imaginary beard with a thoughtful look on his face.

"So, my altruistic Majesty, would you do me the honor of permitting me the knowledge of your name? It's an uncomfortable practice addressing you with unwonted dignity," I blurted out at top speed.

"Um, let's cut the formal language. I'm kinda losing you," he said, sticking his tongue out.

Oh My God.

He did look really cute when he did that. I swear something in my belly just flipped.

"Hello? Are you dead or something?" he asked, with a look of fake concern.

"You wish," I murmured, a smile instantly across my face.

"So you were saying something?"

"Me? Oh yeah," I said, my cheeks hot. "What's your name, pretty boy?"

"Ooh, so you think I'm pretty," he whistled.

"And he's also into self-fantasy," I said, rolling my eyes.

"Nate. That's what friend's call me," he winked.

"Cute," I smiled in return.

"First pretty, then cute," he teased.

"Whatever," I said, biting my lower lip to resist a blush, but I think I ended up looking rather stupid.

"Yeah, now don't make a sour face just 'cause you can't hide your attraction towards me," he said and before I say anything in my defense to hurt his ego, he continued, " So, what's your name, pretty lady?"


"Nice," he commented.

He turned on the radio. Eminem's voice filled the car. He reached for the button to change the frequency, when I hit the back of his hand.

"Ouch, you could be nice, you know? I'm the one who's helping," he said.

I ignored him and started singing along with the rap.

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