Chapter One: The Beginning

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I'm a girl.

A common teenager from Damelton. A girl drunk on the idea of love. I believe that love -- of any kind -- heals you. It gives you power, makes you strong. It's an encouragement, the ray of hope that lightens up your darkest hours. It's the knowledge that someone out there believes in you. But after a while, love becomes an addiction, a bad habit, a drug. Those who care, begin to notice. They try and do everything they can, to save you from the inevitable. Little do they know, that once you're gone, you're gone forever.

And this is my tale.

It's been the same story all along.

This is a story of us teenagers, who've got their hearts broken repeatedly, mercilessly. It's about those teenagers, who are a bundle of uncontrollable feelings. A victim to their hormones. It's about those, for whom, life changed dramatically from dancing around carelessly, to wearing their hearts on their sleeves.

It's about us.

And then, it's about me.

I'm April Brown from Damelton.

Never heard of Damelton?

I wouldn't really blame you. It's a town, technically in the middle of nowhere. It's ridiculously small, just about enough that you wouldn't be able to locate it on the map even if you tried. However, it has definitely progressed with the passage of time. And just so you know, it's not a stereotypical small town which you'd expect to be pretty boring. On the contrary, it's got some of the best schools and colleges around; great medical care facilities; some of the coolest hangout spots; almost all the best brands there are; and a very close-knit society.

It's this enchanting place that changed a hell of a lot of lives. It brought millions of hearts together, and tore as many apart.

This was the place I first set my tiny little feet on. Where I first fell in love.

And regardless of it all, it's a dystopia.

Being the daughter of William Jonathan Brown, one of the most successful men in Damelton comes with a lot of perks. It's simply one of the best things to be. For starters, Daddy's little princess get's everything she wants. Being in my shoes, is something every girl would kill for. It's like my life has been painted around a rainbow. Like I'm the unicorn from fanatasyland. The object of awe. And maybe that's the primary reason why I've never been in harmony with myself. With my life. With the people around me. I'm just a trunk -- a trunk full of misery. No, I'm not suffering from some too good to be true syndrome, it's just that when you get your way with things and you see that others don't, you wish you never had it in the first place.

It's the 21st of August today, and the summer of '13 is coming to a close, marking the start of a new year at High School. My senior year.

I woke up really early to get ready for the first day of senior year. Don't get me wrong, I wasn't one to always take long while dressing up or the one to crib about getting my hair and make-up done perfectly. There are days when I just hop out of the comfort of my bed and into the real world.

Well, not literally but you get what I mean.

But there are days when you feel like dressing up, or trying to look presentable, and it's not wrong at all. In fact, I strongly believe that the way you dress reflects your feelings and mood. So, what would be the ultimate outfit for feeling excited and nervous?

"April, since you're already up, come have breakfast with us. It'll help calm the nerves," laughed my mom, from across a floor, knowing exactly how I felt.

Isn't that what mom's are all about?

Well, my mother is a perfect blend of discipline and love. She just has a certain flair with people, so it's no wonder she's the founder of Damelton Daily- the best newspaper out here. Her luscious hair is the perfect shade of hazel. Tall, beautiful and outgoing as she is, I've always looked up to her. Everything about her yells elegance and grace.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Jul 19, 2015 ⏰

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