Chapter Ten

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1 Corinthians 13:13 (NIV) -- And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.

After seeing Sam's face, I wished I could have worded it differently. His smile absolutely fell and he looked stricken. "Why didn't you mention you were in a relationship?" he asked softly, probably in shock.

I grimaced. "I probably should have used a different word." When Sam looked confused, I continued. "Jake isn't really my boyfriend. He was before he left town, but we never officially broke up. And now he is treating me like he did before, so he thinks we are still together."

"He treated you like this before?" Sam gasped. "While you two were together?"

I nodded glumly. "He did it at parties, using alcohol as an excuse. He excused his behavior a lot." With this comment, I started thinking of all the times the dreaded drink was Jake's defense for his behavior.

Ryan interrupted my thinking when she threw her arms around my shoulder. "Oh, Kaitlyn! I never he knew he affected you this much! I would have done something!"

"There is nothing you can do, Ryan. But thank you." I said honestly.

The bell rang and Ryan's mouth rounded into a perfect circle. "Oh man!" she cried. "I forgot to print my paper! See you after school, babe." Then she ran off, leaving Sam and I alone in the hall as other students walked by.

Morgan walked out of the gym, draped all over Jake's arm. She smiled and wiggled her fingers at me. I stuck up my middle finger at her, and threw Jake another one. She gasped and tried to get Jake to pay attention to her wounded self.

Instead, he was glaring at me. I knew I would get hell for this, unless I avoid him, which I completely plan to do. Sam stepped closer to me and this caused Jake to laugh harshly.

"Come on baby," Morgan said with a flip of her hair. "I smell death, and it's not from the trashcan." After they were gone, I rolled my eyes and started to walk to the locker rooms for gym.

But a hand roughly grabbed my elbow and held on. I couldn't help but flinch. Sam looked at me with something in his eyes I couldn't read. Before I could walk away, Sam whispered something to me. "Kaitlyn, I know what it's like when someone you love hurts you."

Then he walked away, leaving me staring at him. What does he think he knows about people hurting me? More importantly, why would he know what it is like?

I couldn't stare for long because the bell rang again and I didn't want to be late to P.E. I sprinted through the halls to the locker room hurriedly changed. Morgan approached me while I fixed my ponytail, and I groaned when I realized she actually showed up to class today.


"What do you want?" I said, exasperated.

"Just wanted to make sure you aren't dating Jake, so I don't interfere."

"Like that would stop you." Morgan just laughed it off, and I rolled my eyes. Then she frowned at me.

"You're right, it wouldn't stop me. But I want Jake now."

"You can have him. And tell him that!" I sneered.

"Oh I will!" Morgan turned and stormed away. I followed shortly behind to get into the gym so I wasn't late.

As if the gym teacher knew Morgan and I were feuding, he announced the game of kick ball. To truly cinch the knot, the teacher made Morgan and I captains. I laughed on the inside because I knew my team will win; Morgan's only athletic ability was in bed.

FaithOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora