Russian Male Names

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APOLLONII (Аполло́ний): Russian form of Greek Apollonios, meaning "of Apollo."

APOSTOL (Russian: Апостол): Bulgarian, Romanian, Russian and Ukrainian form of Greek Apostolos, meaning "apostle; messenger."

ARAMAZD (Armenian: Ահուրա, Russian: Арамазд): Armenian and Russian form of Persian Ahura Mazda, meaning "good and wise god."

ARISTARKH (Аристарх): Russian form of Greek Aristarkhos, meaning "best ruler."

ARKADI: Variant spelling of Russian Arkadiy, meaning "of Arcadia."

ARKADIY (Арка́дий): Russian form of Greek Arkadios, meaning "of Arcadia."

ARKADY: Variant spelling of Russian Arkadiy, meaning "of Arcadia."

ARKHIP (Архи́п): Russian form of Greek Archippos, meaning "master of horses."

ARSENI: Variant spelling of Russian Arseniy, meaning "virile."

ARSENII (Арсе́ний): Russian form of Greek Arsenios, meaning "virile."

ARSENIY: Variant spelling of Russian Arseniy, meaning "virile."

ARTYOM (Артём): Russian form of Greek Artemisios, a name derived from the name of the goddess Artemis, meaning "safe and sound."

AVGUSTIN (Августи́н): Russian form of Roman Latin Augustinus, meaning "venerable."

BOGATIR: Variant spelling of Russian Bogatyr, meaning "hero" or "warrior."

BOGATYR (Богатырь): Russian form of Turkish Baghatur, meaning "hero" or "warrior."

BOLESLAV (Болеслав): Slavic name composed of the elements bole "large" and slav "glory," hence "large glory." In use by the Russians.

BORIS (Борис): Russian name said to originally derive from Tatar Bogoris, meaning "small." Later, however, it was taken to be a short form of Borislav, the first element coming from the root bor- ("battle"), hence "fighter, warrior."

BORISLAV (Борислав): Slavic name composed of the elements bor- "battle" and slav "glory," hence "battle glory." In use by the Bulgarians and Russians.

BORYA (Боря): Pet form of Russian Boris, probably meaning "fighter, warrior."

BRONISLAV (Russian: Бронислав): Slavic name composed of the elements bron "protection" and slav"glory," hence "glorious protector." In use by the Czechs, Russians and Slovaks.

CHERNOBOG (Чернобог): Russian form of Slavic Crnobog, composed of the elements cherno "black" and bog "god," hence "black god." In Slavic mythology, this is the name of a god of evil and darkness, the counterpart of Belobog ("white god").

CZERNOBOG (Чернобог): Russian form of Slavic Zherneboh, meaning "black god."

DANIIL (Даниил): Russian form of Greek Daniēl, meaning "God is my judge."

DAZHDBOG: Slavic myth name of a solar god, the son of Perun by a mermaid, meaning "give-me god," probably in the sense of a giving god. He is thought by some to be the progenitor of the Russian people.

DEMYAN (Демьян): Russian form of Greek Damian, meaning "to tame, to subdue" and euphemistically "to kill."

DESYA (Деся): Pet form of Russian Modest, meaning "moderate, sober."

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