"Kiss it make it better?"

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AN:  Got the idea to write this from my epic aussie friend @MadmanLarry (Joey)  She is awesome go check her out ;)  Also, this is just a fun fluffy One-Shot sooo enjoy!  I had a great time writing this and as I wrote the end I was like aww. . and I wrote it!  haha  I think it is weird sometimes how when we write we don't even know what's gonna happen until its been written :D

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Harry’s POV

“Come on babe!  We’re gonna be late to the game!  All the others are already in the car waiting for us!”  I yelled to Louis upstairs knowing we were already 10 minutes late for his big game.

“Comin’ Haz!  Let me just. .”  Louis yelled down to me trailing off.  

I laughed when I saw him come racing down the stars with one shoe on and the other still in his hand.

He heard my chuckles, and said while hopping around in circles trying to get his other shoe on,”Don’t laugh at me!  Its your fault were late, Styles!”

I walked over to him and tried to steady him so he could get the shoe on.  Once he did finally manage to get it on I said with a smirk,”I didn’t hear you complaining.”

I watched him blush a bit, and then he stood up straight and was about to kiss me, when Liam walked in and said,”Come on you love birds!  Louis has a football game to play in!”

I laughed and leaned down to give Louis a quick peck on the lips.  I heard Louis sigh and then race off to the door.  I followed suit and hopped into the car about to sit next to him when Paul told us to separate.  I huffed in frustration, but then saw Louis mouth,”You can make it up to me later tonight.”

I grinned at him and then was pushed by Liam and got into the car.  The whole ride was pretty normal.  Liam joking around with Niall, and Zayn fixing his hair in the back.  I kept stealing glances at Louis in the mirror.  I hated being so apart from him.

Once we had arrived I watched as Louis was ushered away from me and to the locker rooms to get ready for the game.  I’m not even allowed to say good-luck anymore without everyone getting all huffy.  

Niall saw me watch Louis leave and came over to comfort me by saying,”Cheer up mate!  You’ll see ‘em on the field, and you won’t have to worry about anyone telling you to not look at him, ‘cause we all will be!”  He attempted to swing his arm over my shoulder, but being shorter than me he wasn’t able to do it very comfortably, which made me chuckle.  Niall always knew just what to do to cheer someone up.

“Thanks, Niall, but don’t be lookin’ too hard.  He’s mine, you know?”, I said while quirking up a brow.

“Don’t get your boxers all up in a bunch, Harry.  Besides,” He said while glancing over at Liam not really thinking I would notice,”I think I have my eye on someone else.”

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