Chapter 21 - Damn You

Start from the beginning

"Let's start a relationship" Archer said and I turned to him

"A real one , I want you so bad and I can't contain my jealousy anymore" He added and I raised my eyebrows

"Be my girlfriend" He stated and he turned to me

"What if I don't want to?" I asked

"You can't say no.. You already took my heart"

"Me? When?"

"Since I lay my eyes on you again" He said and I was taken back with his statement

"No way"

"I can't get you out from my mind , it sucks and that's I keep bothering you" He said and I chuckled

"Well aren't you childish?"

"I don't care.. Be my girlfriend okay?" He asked

"I don't want to" I shook my head

"Yes.. Starting this second you're my girlfriend" He said cheerly and I never said yes

"I said no"

"Thankyou" He kissed my cheek

"Archer! I said no-"

"Sorry beautiful but no and never are not in my dictionary , so.. yeah you're my girlfriend" He hugged me tightly from the side and kissed my cheek

"No I don't want to" I said and he suddenly tickled me making me jump and laugh

"Archer" I laughed

"You're ticklish huh?" He picked me up to his lap

"Archer stop!!"

"Not until you agree to be my girlfriend" He said

"No.. noo.. Aaaa" It's so ticklish

"Be my girlfriend"


"Okay I will stay here until you say yes" He said and I turned to him





"Okay fine yes!" I said and he looked at me disbelief

"Yes?" Archer asked

"Yeah" I smirked and leaned to him when suddenly the door bursted open

"Cal-" Candy froze when she looked at me and Archer. I quickly got off from him and looked at Candy.

"You both.. How can you not tell me?" Candy asked but smiling happily

"Oh come on , give me my kiss"

"I taught you will come here later" I said to Candy and she smirked

"I was bored so I decided to come here" She said and I nodded

"Babe" Archer whined and I turned to him giving him 'not here' look

"Continue whatever you do.. I will wait outside" Candy smiled

"No no.. Archer wil-"

"No-oh , I'm staying here until you give what I want girlfriend" He emphasized the girlfriend and I was starled

"Girlfriend? You both?" Candy gasped

"No" I denied

"What do you mean no?" Archer asked raising his eyebrows

"I mean yes"

"Oh my gosh" Candy squealed and hugged me

"So happy for you babe!" She said happily and I chuckled

"Now give me my kiss or else I will stay here" He smirked knowing that I have to give him that

"Go give him" Candy patted my shoulder and I sighed. I leaned down and kissed his cheek

"There" I said

"Nah.. I'm stay-" I gave him a peck on his lips. He smirked and stood up

"Bye babe.. Call you tonight" Archer kissed the side of my head and I nodded

Damn you Archer North!

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