In the Name of Love

Start from the beginning

Luke P.O.V.

"Hold her down!" I said to Ashton and Calum as Michael was looking after a tied up Caitlin in the corner. I slowly walked over to the corpse on the table and shot again. One bullet, two bullets, three... I lost count. We came here for one thing, and we are going to get it.

I walked over to Dani and sat beside her, caressing her cheek. She struggled to get away, but struggling is futile when you're tied up I guess.

"I know you're confused." I said with tears running down my face. "I'm not going to kill you. I'm simply going to talk with you." I said pulling the sock out of her mouth expecting screams and curses, but none came.

"Why?" She asked. That one word, the only word I couldn't answer.

"I'm sorry, all this time, as you know now, we were undercover for the blackbirds. We didn't expect to get attached, especially fall in love-"

"Love eh? I've been hearing that word a lot lately. But, it means nothing. All this time we have been searching for love, but even when we thought we found it, it tied us up and destroys every known feeling we had left." She said while laughing. "Shove that word up your ass, because soon you will die."

"I'm doing you a favor, I'm keeping you alive so boss get's what he wants." I said every so softly pecking her lips, I imagined my first kiss a few times, but it wasn't nearly what I dreamed.

"What does he want?" She whispered.

"He wants-"

Ally P.O.V.


No information gathered whatsoever.

Not matter how many times I interrogate, threaten, kill, they won't tell me what they want. It's almost like they're brainwashed.  I was driving home in my new Bugatti, both confused and depressed, I should've taken my meds today. Hopefully Dani gathered some info from Austin, he's our last hope.

I looked in the rear view mirror to see a very familiar face looking at me." Hello Father Jerard how are you today?" I asked happy to see my old friend.

"Very well Ally, I see you have a problem on your hands, anything I can help you with?" He asked fixing his glasses on his jolly face.

"Well Father, people are dying, but I don't know why. Come to think of it, I don't know what the blackbirds have against us anyway. They don't look like they want power, we haven't done anything to them in the past, they just appeared out of nowhere." I said looking at the road and the mirror.

"Well, sounds to me like you have no motive as to what is going on and what is going to happen." He said almost like he was talking to himself.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Well, as of now, you are blind as to what is going on and you are killing people for no reason." He said as if he was scolding me. " Before you go on killing others, you must find out what your motive is."

"I see. Well thank you Father, that makes sense!" I said. In the blink of an eye he was gone, but he will come back eventually, he always does.

I pulled up to the house expecting to see the lights on or something, but there was nothing. Everything was quiet, too quiet. I pulled out my handgun as I approached the house. I opened the door which was locked surprisingly meaning no one snuck in.

"Hello?" I asked turning into the living room to see Ashton on the couch. "Where is everybody?" I asked as he approached me slowly. He, softly, planted a kiss right on my lips, it was soft, but enjoyable none the less. I pulled away first gasping for air that I lost quickly. "W-What was that for?!" I asked.

"I've loved you ever since I first saw you. Did you know that?" He asked caressing my lips. By now I was blushing profusely.

"W-Where's Caitlin and Dani? Everyone?" I asked curious as to why it was so quiet.

"Please just spend this time alone with me." He said as he softly pushed me onto the couch straddling me capturing my lips again.

Caitlin P.O.V.

I watched Calum walk back and forth pacing nervously. "Stop walking back and forth you're making me sick." I said with disgust in my voice.

"I love you." He sais approaching me. " I know you hate me now but what Luke and I are doing is saving your asses. I never wanted you to be a part of this gang to begin with." He said now running his fingers through my hair. I wiggled away from his touch.

"That still doesn't help the fact that you lied. You guys lied to all of us and we trusted you with all of our hearts. But you broke them." I said looking at him in the eye not blinking. "I hate you for that."

" You don't meant that. You hate me now but you will love me later when we get out of here and continue on." He said cupping my face. " I love you more than myself, you need to realize that I wouldn't do this without a reason. I will keep you alive." He said kissing my forehead.

I looked at Luke who was holding Dani who looked confused and betrayed. I know that I still love him, I know Dani loves Luke also. I can't help but trust them, there has to be a reason behind this and I will figure it out.

My thoughts were interrupted by Calum's text alert. I watched as he scanned his phone.

"He's here." He said turning to Luke.

"Who?" I asked.


Kathryn P.O.V.

I rode in my car speeding down the highway cursing myself for forgetting Big Daddy's vital document. You had one job Kathryn! I was mentally hitting myself while turning towards the house.

"Just in and out Kathryn, Get the document, give Michael a kiss, and leave." I said to myself turning down the street. I looked in the driveway to see Ally's new Bugatti and a strange new Cadillac parked in front of the house.

Curious I took the keys out of the ignition and stepped out of the car. I watched as the driver go out and went around the car opening the passenger door. A short, tanned man with spiky black hair stepped out of the car while the driver fixed his suit. He looked presentable with his sunglasses and calm demeanor. Maybe he was one of Big Daddy's subordinates?

I walked over to the stranger putting on my prettiest smile.

"Hello sir! I don't believe I have seen you before!"  I said holding out my hand.

He turned around and gave me a charming smile. "You live here?"

"Yes sir! I'm Kathryn-" That was all I said before I felt a sharp pain in my lower abdomen followed by a huge bang. I looked down to see a bullet lodged in my body. I fell to the ground screaming in pain and slowly blacking out.

"Call me Joe."

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