Chapter Seventeen: I Want To Be More

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"Hey Sasha? Have you seen Finn lately?" Bayley asked.

"I'm afraid not. Why?"

"I don't know. He's just been acting strange for the past two weeks."

"Define strange?"

"Can't really explain it. It's more of a gut feeling. He's smiling more than usual and he's just a little more jumpy."

"So Finn being happier is a bad thing?"

"No! God no! It's just....I feel like he's hiding something."

"Uh oh," Sasha said with a little sarcasm.

"Yeah...He leaves the house and refuses to tell me what he's up to. Whenever I ask, he just says he's going to the gym. And if I ask if I can join, he says no!"

"That's odd?"

"And he makes it even worse cause he smiles at me as he walks out the door!"

"You ever follow him?"

"No. I don't want to invade his privacy again. He tends to be really sensitive about that. If I do find out on my own terms though, I fear he will be upset with me and leave." 

"Bayley. I don't think that's healthy for a relationship."

"And what makes it worse is that when I do go to the gym, he's not there!"

"Do you think he's cheating?"

"I think you would know the answer to that question," Bayley said intensely.

"What?! You gotta be kidding."

Bayley stared daggers at Sasha.

"What makes you think I did it?"

"You're the only other girl that talks to him."

Bayley's hands were clenched into fists at her side. Sasha stepped back with her hands up.

"Sorry, but I'm fine being single."

"So you're not working your way into his pants?"

Sasha giggled at that question.

"Oh silly Bayley! What words to choose from."

"Sorry, I'm just scared."

Sasha gasped.

"What if Finn was cheating on you with Alexa Bliss?!"

Sasha was only trying to annoy Bayley. Her friendship with Finn has them like brother and sister. She can already tell Finn wasn't cheating. Bayley gasped at Sasha's statement and punched her arm.

"Hey! Calm down! I'm only joking."

"This is serious Sasha! I'm genuinely concerned!"

"Okay look, I know Finn well enough that he wouldn't do such a thing. He was a disaster without you. I think you're just overreacting."

"That wouldn't explain his behaviour though."

"Just ride the wave Bayley. It'll be okay."

* * *

Later on in the day, Finn did it again! He had his gym bag in hand and he was whistling to the door.

"Bye Bayley! I'll be back in a few hours!"

Bayley just gave him a quick glance with a sarcastic smile as she lifted her eyebrows. She didn't say anything as she continued to look at her phone. Finn gazed at her for a second.

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