The Act of Repenting

Start from the beginning

"Ren's at Nekozawa's place. He's already making his move!"


The eight of them arrived at Nekozawa's fairly quickly and upon seeing said person, they together with Nekozawa hurried towards the scene of the crime. Even though it was daytime now, going through the graveyard in the chilly morning wasn't exactly anyone's cup of tea.

"Why would Ren suddenly break into Nekozawa's toolshed? What is he trying to do now?" Haruhi pondered to herself out loud as she carefully walked past the graves. 

"Izumi... what in the world were you thinking?" Maika muttered to no one in particular, concern sketched upon her features.

"Here we are." Nekozawa announced bringing their attention to him, "This is where the crime scene happened!" With that, everybody scattered to check out the tool shed. It was the size of a log cabin, the coziness factor definitely not there as a strange musty smell wafted through the air. 

"Ugh it reeks of garlics and some other stuff..." "Yeah it smells like Honey-senpai after karate training..."

"I, I, I don't stink!" The little blonde shota protested with teary eyes, quickly making the twins guilty and try to calm him down. Meanwhile, Nekozawa was following Tamaki around, somehow marking him as a careless person the moment they stepped foot into the shed. 

"Suoh-san please don't touch that, that thing will curse you for 13 days if you accidentally break it." 

"EEEKKK!!!" Said blonde quickly took cover behind Kyoya as he backed away from a dangling pearl necklace. Everyone simply sighed at Tamaki before continuing their search.

"You have a lot of things lying around here Nekozawa-senpai, so how come Ren could specifically steal those items?"

"More importantly, what's up with that trail of salt there? Some pentagram line?"

At Kaoru's words, Nekozawa hurried to the see the salt trail. If one didn't stare hard enough, it would probably be hidden in the floorboards but no it was there, leading to another door in the back.

"It's leading to the back of the toolshed." Nekozawa wondered out loud. His eyes then widened, "No wait, he can't have...!"

"Can't have what?" Nekozawa began to tremble all over.

"Th-That book... was a book on forbidden taboo rituals! I-If Ren-san found the spell I spoke of yesterday, and found the ingredients and the place for that ritual-!"

Horror finally dawned upon the rest of them. Quickly Honey-senpai and Mori-senpai rushed at the door, already in sync of what they were about to do.


BAAAAAMMMMM!!! Another door fell victim to Honey-senpai for the second time that week, flying off the hinges. Nekozawa hid behind the twins in fear, reminded fresh in the face why these two had 'Haninozuka' and 'Morinozuka' in their names. After the door had been blast open by the dangerous duo, they were greeted with sunlight in their faces, the sound of birds chirping, and-

-a clearing in the forest, where Ren lay bloodied in a chalk circle, holding the ritual knife in his right hand. Salt scattered around him on a circle of talismans, all facing outwards around his body.

"REN!!!" The group immediately rushed to his side, startled by the blood that seemed to come from his head and the ritual knife. Auburn hair gathered to his right side, assuming that Ren had fallen immediately after the ritual. Fear rose up their throats fearing the worst.

"It's alright everyone, Ren's just fainted due to the loss of blood." Kyoya's words dissolved their worries all in an instant. Nekozawa crouched down next to the unconscious Ren, inspecting about with an uncovered eye.

"He did the ritual, he really did it," Nekozawa trembled in disbelief, "He really scarred his right eye to complete the ritual!"

"His right eye?!" Quickly Maika tried to brush away at those auburn locks, only to be stopped by Kyoya. He gave her a warning glare.

"Don't, it's something you do not want to see." 

"Okay..." Maika reluctantly removed her fingers away from Ren. Meanwhile, Haruhi began opening up the letter left for them and read it aloud.

" 'Hey guys, this is Ren. By the time you find this letter, I have probably finished the ritual' ," Haruhi gained their attention from this but she continued to read on.

" 'Firstly, I just wanna thank everyone for being by my side, for helping me get back to my actual body. Perhaps this whole paranormal phenomenon was to bring me to meet you guys, who knows? Whatever it was, I'm glad.

The first time we met, it was because I was in Jun's body beating up that guy right? Bad impression there, I know. However, I wasn't always that violent. I simply wanted reassurance and attention, something to take me away from the nightmares of my past. I needed comfort and people telling me that what I did was right. It didn't help that I was such a prideful person though, so admitting these was super tough. Yeah, I know it's very unlike me to feel insecure, sorry 'bout that. 

Anyways, my point is that the people who gave me those things I desired were all of you. I have been rude and always getting irritated by you guys, but I could never come to hate you. Through all of you I learned many things. I learned a little self-control, yes, but it's not that much so give me time okay? I promise I'll be nicer if we ever meet again.... well I'll try.

As there's already a letter for Jun, just pass that to her, I've explained everything to her in there so you don't have to explain much. DO NOT F*CKING READ IT OR I'LL KILL YOU LOT. Also, try not to blame yourselves over this, this is my resolve and my way to repent for my sins. Should you see me again in school, remember that I have no memories so don't greet me casually. Try to befriend me again no matter how I am now. It will take time I believe, but I still want that.

I still want to be friends with everyone, just one more time.' "

"Just one more time, he said," Maika smiled through her tears after a long pause, "Idiot Izumi, of course we will right everyone?!"


"We have to get Ren to the hospital now, we can't risk him getting an infection through his wounds." Kyoya beckoned Mori-senpai to carry the unconscious male on his back as he took out his phone to make a call.

Together, everyone made their way to the hospital once more.

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