Impossible part 2 (Tom Brady)

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"The baby will be born in three months, maybe things will get better."

"Or she'll completely shut me out of my daughter's life." Tom looked at me with fear and sadness in his eyes. Tom sat down at one of the kitchen chairs and put his heads in his hands. "I thought this would make me happy. I thought I could live with myself."

"What do you mean?" I asked, frowning slightly while I sat down next to Tom.

"I never wanted this. She wasn't the one I saw myself marrying. I never saw a future with her. She asked me on a date and the next thing I knew I had ruined my chances with the girl I really loved."

"So you're telling me that you married my sister, but you never loved her?" I asked. I could feel myself getting upset and a little hopeful at the same time. No, he's my sister's husband. I can't get my hopes up it's probably somebody else anyway.

"I never should have let it get this far in the first place." Tom sighed, a tear tracing its way down his cheek.

"Tom I... I don't know what to tell you. You are married and it's not going to be easy to change that. She's my sister I don't think we should even be talking about this." I looked at Tom, not entirely sure what I wanted to see in his beautiful blue eyes.

"I know you're  probably right, you're just easy to talk to. I'm such a coward."

"Tom you aren't a coward, you just made a mistake. You are just confused. You're having problems with your marriage and you're having some second thoughts. The honeymoon phase has finished and you and my sister just need to start communicating again."

"There was no honeymoon phase. I have regretted this from the moment I married her."

"Tom you need to calm down and really think about what you're saying." I said, a little sharper than I wanted to.

"You don't think that I've already thought about this?" Tom said, louder than before. "I married the sister of the woman I love. You don't think I've thought about this?" Tom almost shouted.

"You don't mean that. You can't mean that." I said. I couldn't believe what I had just heard. Surely I had heard wrong. Tom couldn't possibly love me. He married my sister for crying out loud. Even though I didn't want to, I felt myself fill with hope. No, he is married.

"Yes, I mean  that. I love you, I have for years." Tom looked at me with a look in his eyes that I had never seen before.

"Tom you are married to my sister. It doesn't matter what you feel for me. You are about to have a baby." I said, trying to keep my voice from shaking.

"Do you love me?" Tom asked looking straight into my eyes.


"You heard me."

"Tom, it doesn't matter."

"Please just answer my question." Tom was crying. I couldn't believe it. I have loved Tom for years, and now finding out that he loved me too broke my already fragile heart. I had resigned myself to the fact that he would never love me back, and now that I knew he felt the same, it hurt more than him being married to my sister.

"Tom, I love you, but you are married to my sister and expecting a baby. My feelings for you have been irrelevant since the day you said "I do" to my sister. It's too late Tom." I felt tears rolling down face.

"So what do we now?" Tom asked, trying not to cry.

"You fix your marriage. And at the baby shower we pretend this never happened." I said, standing up and wiping my eyes. As I was walking towards the fridge to get out the strawberries, I heard my sister's footsteps on the stairs. I shot Tom a look telling him not to tell her anything.

"Is everything ready?" My sister asked as the doorbell rang.

"Yep and the guests are here." I said, sending my sister a fake smile.

Through out the entire baby shower I tried to avoid Tom. I knew we could never be together no matter what happened with his marriage to my sister. As I was cleaning up after the shower Tom approached me.

"Hey." Tom said in a nervous voice.

"Hey." I said, while taking down some streamers.

"I've been thinking about what you said earlier, and I've decided to try going to therapy for the baby's sake." Tom had a sad look in his eyes as he said that.

"Good. I wish things could be different, but I think you made the right choice." I said, giving Tom a sad look.

"It sure doesn't feel like it."

"I know, but you did. I'll see you later Tom." I said, walking up to Tom and kissing him on the lips. I pulled away and walked out of the house. I would always love Tom, but I hoped that he would be able to fix things with my sister, not just for her sake, but for my niece. At least I can still see Tom, even if I can't be with him.

I hope that you guys enjoyed this one. This is for everyone who requested a part two. There will not be a part three to this sorry.

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