Toy pepper x reader part2

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Readers pov

I decided to call that gaint cat i never got her name and i was wondering what it was all night i had to know her name! So i called her "h-hello?" i shuttered out "oh hello you sound femilar are you that guy/girl from yesterday i bumped into?" she replied "yes i am i was wondering...whats your name?" i said "heheh its pepper, Toy pepper," she replied to me, 'what a funny name to call your child or pet?' i thought i didn't realize i was being silent and almost droped the phone but i grabed it in time "my name is (y/n)" i said"(y/n) what a nice name" she said to me , "listen pepper would you like to meet up at candys burgers and fries tomorrow at 4pm?" i said hoping she would say yes "you mean my mom cindys and my dad candys house? sure! I'll be working there tomorrow aswell so i mite be a while..." she replied to me "thats fine see you there" i said in a happy tone "heheh bye see you soon" she said befor hanging up. I soon went out to buy something nice to wear.

Tomorrow 4 pm

It was time and i had sat down at a table alone, i soon learnt that pepper was doing a magic show and i couldnt wait to see it! So i waited and 5 mins later there she was up on stage doing her magig tricks, she made kids disaper and made a cat jump out of her hat! A hour passed and she was finally done i loved her magic show and so did the kids, after she was done she sat down across to me at the table "hallo (y/n)" Pepper said in a Norwegain acent "oh your Norwegain!" i shouted out in shock "hehe det er hyggelig å møte deg og bli kjent med deg mer (y/n)" she replied i had no idea what she said so i gave out a confused face "hehe it's nice to meet you and get to know you more (y/n)" pepper said "oh! Its nice to meet you too! I just cant speak Norwegian" i said while scratching the back of my neck.

We talked for hours! I finally got to know that cindy and candy were her mum and dad and she had 2 sisters and 1 brother i hope i get to meet them soon. After we had our meal 'witch was free because of pepper' i offered to walk the huggible cat home witch she agred on so we walkd home to her house. "I had a really fun night (y/n) i hope to see you again soon" Pepper said before grabing my two hands with her paws and kissed me it was weird but nice,  weird because im kissing a gaint cat but nice because it was relaxing, a moment went by and we stoped kissing. "See you soon!" she said before going into her house. Yup i was in love.

Toy Pepper and friends x readerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora